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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/21 in all areas

  1. The UX of this needs to be revisited since it's nonobvious.
    1 point
  2. Thank you very much
    1 point
  3. I was just about to report my workaround with a docker container, then I saw s-bahn's response Thank you for sharing the link!
    1 point
  4. Hi @jaydee73 Our dedicated tech team has identified the bug due to which this issue is occurring, and they are working on getting it fixed. A patch will be released, which will address this issue in the near future. We appreciate your continued support in the meantime. #SI-2434
    1 point
  5. can you implement global autotype? it basically means that enpass simulates keypresses to log into any application, not just website how this would work: user opens app (e.x. steam) user gets steam in focus and presses keycombo to trigger global autotype enpass detects name of application or application title enpass searches for matching entries, if 1 match is found, simulate keypresses for login (in 95% of cases: {username}{tab}{password}{enter}) this keycombo can be made to be configurable ( for example skype, where you'd need {username}{enter}{wait 100ms}{password}{enter} ) if multiple matches are found, enpass displays a window, letting users select the correct entry, and then autotype the login info if no matches are found, enpass pops up with a search field so users can search the correct entry to autofill ofcource, in the last case, enpass will also ask to remember the application title for that entry this is a feature i greatly miss in the current version of enpass, hopefully you can consider to implement this somewhere in the future. and hopefully you can implement this in Linux as well (since that's the main OS i'm using atm, aside from sometimes Windows kind regards, intuxikated
    1 point
  6. Hey @Saad Welcome to the forum! Thanks for using Enpass and writing to us. We really appreciate you for your exploring the app and giving time in finding this valuable suggestion. The suggestion has been noted for further consideration. Thanks for the suggestion!
    1 point
  7. This post is 2 years old now, when can we expect it to be implemented? The only thing keeping me from enpass and sticking with keepas is the ability to autofill credentials as well as TOTP in applications.
    1 point
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