I'm getting this too right now. Guess what - I'm on a plane, on a 14h international flight, and paid for in-flight Wifi, which obvsiouly has strong security measures and sniffers, as expected!
According to the Enpass reps in this thread, I should go to the cockpit and ask the pilot to kindly switch off their network security measures. Brilliant!
That's not acceptable, and I'm perplexed at the replies from Enpass in this thread. Also unacceptable is the fact that a software which is advertized to work offline (as a big plus to differentiate it from the competition) now refuses to let me access my passwords because it decided to call home and considered it's better to shut down entirely and lock me out ... after paying for a license.
This isn't just unreliable, it's downright scary, and in this particular case absolutely detrimental. I guess it's my fault for using and trusting closed source software for mission critical activity. Seems like it's time to finally switch away from Enpass.
Enpass -- you should absolutely rethink your strategy and policy on this for those who still continue to use your product.