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Everything posted by chase

  1. Any Updates here? The current solution is quite disapointing if you have more user on the NAS and they're using their Home folders. Also the same issue does not come up with other WebDav services / Apps
  2. Same here, after Webdav Upgrade Sync is not working anymore. Does somebody has a solution?
  3. Is that true that you try to monitize again Lifetime Pro User? I'm really happy with Enpass the tool is just great! Butt with passwords trust also plays a very important role. You worte: Will the existing Enpass Pro users be charged again? No, never! The Pro users on any platform will not be charged again and will never be forced to subscribe. Would complimentary subscription users not get future updates? All Enpass Pro users will continue to receive future app updates and new Pro features that we’ll release over time – for lifetime, on all platforms. https://www.enpass.io/blog/general/how-will-our-subscription-model-affect-existing-users/ Your media in Germany is currently very bad and I'm sure if you relase a lot of users will move to an other tool. I will also go. https://stadt-bremerhaven.de/enpass-passwort-manager-moechte-pro-nutzer-zur-kasse-bitten/
  4. Windows 10 version 1903 Enpass Chrome extension 6.0.2 Chrome Version 74.0.3729.169
  5. Hi, I got an Error 403 in Chrome when using Enpass. I have the newest Extension and I have installed it from a legitimate source (Enpass website) Could anybody help?
  6. one time for a password by starting the app is fine. But clicking every time on the face to "activate" the fingerprint function is not state of the art.
  7. Yes this is really annoying. Please imporve. At Android or Iphone you also don't have to click on validate per fingerpringt!
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