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Enpass Discussion Forum

Victor Chu

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Everything posted by Victor Chu

  1. Any news on that fix? It makes app useless on mobile devices
  2. This is much better shot of what really happens
  3. Hello, even more, using 2 displays (retina + non-retina external) and launching from the menu bar - enpass window appears in the lower right corner of the external display and top right corner of the retina one (splitted) and right side of the window is not visible. This make it useless. i'd prefer this window to be opened right under the menu bar. This is how in looks from the screen shot, but really it is split on 2 screens.
  4. Enpass does not work in a proper way if run under 2+ users accounts on Mac at the same time. It works well only with the first account, from any other the following problems exist: 1. you can't do anything from menu bar Enpass icon. Nothing happens on click. 2. safari browser extension does not work either Unfortunately these issues make Enpass useless when more than one person share one computer.
  5. Hello, just faced the problem. i have 2 records: first is login type with username abc@qwe.rt and URL https://aaabbb.com/private second is other (not login) type with username 111222333 and URL https://subdomain.aaabbb.com i log in the second URL with the second record credentials and changed the password on the website form. Enpass safari plugin pops up but suggests only one record update - the first one, and there is no way to choose the second record to update password.
  6. Good news! waiting for the upcoming releases, thx.
  7. Hello, Russian localization leaves much more to be desired (categories fields especially). I'm willing to help. Can you provide me with localization sources or suggest any other way i can help you.
  8. Hello, please, add smart folders (like password audit ones) to Enpass: "recently added" and "not in any folder". This will make much easier for people to organize records added from browser plugins into folders. Also i'd like to see the option with category/folder filters. For example, now when i open logins category i see all my login records (over 140), instead i'd like to see here only records without folders and folders structure, that contains logins. And a checkbox "show all in category" also appreciated - to return to current view. The same in folders folder/category filter.
  9. Hello, i'd like to request the following options to the browser plugin: add options "copy username/login/email" and "copy password" to browser plugin on the right click. some websites are made in the way that login fields cannot be filled by Enpass extension. Now to do it manually you have to open enpass first, find a record (that was already found in plugin), and only after copy login and pass. add option in browser extensions to use login credentials from records, that do not have URL or which URL differs from current. Sometimes you need to authenticate on the website with credentials from other service/website, that you already have. It will be also clever to automatically add these URLs in the record you just authenticated.
  10. Please add option to show Enpass on double click on tray icon, also please add button "show enpass" in browser plugin window instead of the current menu, using menu is a bit annoying - too many clicks
  11. when making a new registration from browser plugin it will be useful to let user to choose Enpass folder to save to.
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