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While the Desktop client of Enpass 6 Beta works with Firefox, the same version but from the Windows Store doesn't. This is important because it seems only the Store version will be able to have premium features. The old Enpass 5 from the Store used to have a Bridged App in order to work with Firefox, but that thing doesn't work with Enpass 6.
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Enpass 6 Beta for iOS is released with Password Autofill, Siri Shortcuts and more.
Guest posted a topic in iOS
Hello Enpassians! The first Enpass 6 beta for iOS has finally arrived with Password Autofill, Siri Shortcuts, New UI, Multiple Vaults and many other enhancements. Get ready to explore the Enpass 6! Password Autofill in iOS 12: Supports the awesome Password Autofill by iOS. To enable, head straight to Settings> Passwords & Accounts > AutoFill Passwords and turn on the AutoFill Passwords. Also, make sure you select the Enpass from the provided options to allow autofilling in the third-party apps. Siri Shortcuts: Now you can create Siri Shortcuts to any Enpass item individually, and open that item directly with your voice request to Siri. To create the Siri Shortcuts, open an Enpass item > Click 'Add to Siri' > set command, and done. New UI: Enpass 6 comes with an all-new UI, making it even more user-friendly and intuitive. Multiple-Vaults: Now you can share data with your family, friends or team members by using multiple vaults. Each vault must be synced with a separate cloud account (could be of the same service provider) for syncing. Cloud Sync: An improved cloud synchronization mechanism with iCloud, Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, WebDAV. Custom Icon: Add your own icons to the items. Apple Watch support. Trash: Added support to Trash the items. Archive: You can now archive the items which are no longer in use, but you don't want to delete them forever. Also, the archived items don't appear in search results. Keyfile support: You can now additionally use a Keyfile along with the master password to log into Enpass. Secure Sharing: Enpass now allows you to explicitly encrypt a shared item using your own Pre-Shared Key (PSK). You can define the PSKs in Enpass Advanced settings. The Enpass Beta versions for iOS will be distributed to our Beta Subscribers only through TestFlight.You can get your copy by subscribing to our beta program and it's mandatory that you provide your Apple ID (E-mail) while subscribing to Beta program below. Subscribe to Beta Program Important Notes Separate app: The Enpass 6 beta app will be downloaded as a separate app and will not replace the existing app on your phone. Restoring existing data: You can restore your existing data from previous versions into Enpass 6 from 'Welcome screen' over Wi-Fi or from 'Backup' file. In case if you are syncing your Enpass 5 with iCloud Drive, then you can easily restore your data via Welcome Screen > Restore Existing Data > Select 'Files' under 'Backup File' > iCloud Drive > Enpass folder > sync_default.walletx. Also, if you have already used Beta version of Enpass 6 on any other device and have synced it to the cloud before, you can restore data from there. Synchronization: Since Enpass 6 is based on a new architecture, so it will neither sync nor access the database of Enpass 5 or previous versions. All beta versions are precursors of final products. They are intended for testing purposes only and should not be used any place where your data is important. Please backup your database before testing a beta release. The beta app may contain some features that are still in development and not fully functional. Explore the excellent features and don't forget to share the feedback or report the bugs to to keeps our developers engaged for next beta release. Cheers!- 24 replies
Hello Enpassians! The first Enpass 6 beta for Linux has just arrived with the following awesome features: Multiple-Vaults: Now you can share data with you family, friends or team members by using multiple vaults. Each vault must be synced with separate cloud account (could be of same service provider) for syncing. Keyfile Support: You can now additionally use a Keyfile with the master password of your desired length i.e. with the use of Keyfile there is no restriction on minimum length of 10 characters on master password. Cloud Sync: An improved cloud synchronization mechanism with Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, WebDAV and yes, the iCloud as well. Secure Sharing: Enpass now allows you to explicitly encrypt a shared item using your own Pre-Shared Key (PSK). You can define the PSKs in Enpass Advanced settings. New Browser Extensions: Don't forget to download and checkout our new browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox browser with an improved autofilling and form capturing to allow you to autofill in pages with more than two form fields and lot more. Custom Categories and Custom Templates: Manage your data the way you love by defining custom categories and templates. Custom Icons: Add your own icons to the items. Trash: Added support to Trash the items. Archive: You can now archive the items which are no longer in use, but you don't want to delete them forever. Also the archived items don't appear in search results. Get it Now Important Notes Supported Platforms: Beta versions are available only for systems with 64 bit architecture, and through the Debian and RPM repositories. Tested on CentOS 7, Fedora 24 and Ubuntu 14.04 or later (64-bit only). Separate app: Beta version of Enpass 6 will be installed as a separate app and will not replace the existing data of Enpass 5 on your device. So you can freely use the beta without worrying of any data mixup. Restoring database from Enpass 5: The only way to restore your existing data from Enpass 5 to 6 is through restoring your Backup file from Welcome Screen. In case you have already used Beta version of Enpass 6 on any other device and have synced it to cloud before, you can restore from there. Synchronization: Enpass 6 is based on a new architecture and will not sync with the existing data of Enpass 5 on cloud. So this way you can use your existing cloud accounts to test the sync in Enpass 6 without any mixup of existing data. Also, the Enpass 6 places the data on cloud into the designated App folder unlike it used to do in the root folder for Google Drive, and OneDrive. These changes will restrict you from restoring of existing data from cloud and you have to restore your data using a backup file. All beta versions are precursors of final products. They are intended for testing purposes only and should not be used any place where your data is important. Please backup your database before testing a beta release. The beta app may contain some features that are still in development and not fully functional. Waiting for your feedback. With Love to our Linux users!!❤️❤️
Hello Enpassians! Today we are announcing the first beta release of Enpass 6 for macOS. This beta brings: Multiple-Vault: You can create multiple vaults for personal and work credentials or a separate vault for other persons you are working with. Cloud Sync: Enpass 6 brings an improved synchronization mechanism, and each of your vaults requires a different cloud account to sync with. Secure Sharing: An option to securely share an item using a Pre-shared Key (PSK). For that you first need to define a PSK in the Advanced settings of Enpass. Enpass Assistant: A better and enhanced way to autofill details in Safari, Chrome and Firefox. You can download the extensions from here. Custom Categories and Custom Templates: Now you can define your own custom categories and templates in company with our existing categories. Custom Icons: You can add your own custom icons along with pre-supplied ones. Trash: Recover the accidentally deleted items from Trash. Archive: You can also archive the items which are no longer in use, but you don't want to delete them forever. Also the archived items don't appear in search results. Keyfile Support: You can now additionally use a Keyfile with the master password to log into Enpass. Important Notes for Beta Testers: Separate app: The Enpass 6 beta app will be installed as a separate app and will not replace the existing app on your device. Restoring database from Enpass 5: You can restore your existing data from Enpass 5 or previous versions into Enpass 6 using a Backup file on Welcome Screen. Synchronization: Enpass 6 is based on a new architecture and will not sync with the existing data of Enpass 5 on cloud. So this way you can use your existing cloud accounts to test the sync in Enpass 6 without any interference to sync in stable Enpass 5. Also, the Enpass 6 places the data on cloud into the designated App folder unlike it used to do in the root folder for Google Drive, and OneDrive. These changes will restrict you from restoring of existing data from cloud and you have to restore your data using a backup file. Mojave and Safari Extension: The Enpass extension for Safari browser doesn't work with the macOS Mojave beta versions. All beta versions are precursors of final products. They are intended for testing purposes only and should not be used any place where your data is important. Please backup your database before testing a beta release. The beta app may contain some features that are still in development and not fully functional. Download link - Enpass6 Beta for macOS (.pkg) Waiting for your feedback. Cheers!
Hi, I think you are on a good way with the beta, but currently it's one step forward, two steps back. Do I understand correctly that you recycle the same code for all platforms? That is of course efficient, but desktop apps simply have to have desktop experience to them. I've written down some things that I found should be fixed or implemented in the final release of Enpass 6. Thank you for your hard work. [Scrolling] · Fix (smooth|delayed|sliding) scrolling and make scrolling immediate, without "sliding" or with only a little bit of smoothing like in Firefox. · Click & Drag to scroll ("swipe") doesn't belong in desktop app. Remove this completeley from all windows and panes. Replace it with Drag & Drop functionality. Thanks to the swiping with mouse, some text in item cards is not even selectable. [Drag & Drop] · Drag items to categories to change category. · Drag items to tag to add them to that tag. · If tag pane is open, on dragging an item, a cross (X) shold appear. Dropping to him will remove tag from this item. · Dragging tags into other tags, making them subtags. Dragging subtags above to make them parent tags etc. Classic hierarchical list manipulation. [Categories & Tags] · Add "All categories" and "All tags" entries. Currently, only tag or category can be selected and shows it's content. Change this to conjunction ("AND") between tags and categories. Selecting "all categories" and specific tag or "all tags" and specific category will mimic current behaviour. Selecting specific tag and specific category will show only items with the given tag in the selected category. E.g. Only "logins" with tag "entertainment". This could be also done by selecting one category and then holding SHIFT and selecting tag or multiple tags (former is ideal). [Search] · "space" should be understood as "AND". E.g "word1 word2" should show all items with word1 AND word2. · Expand search capabilities with AND (also default for "space"), OR, NOT and quotes ("text with space") · Expand search capabilities with field searches e.g. "tag:health (AND) tag:kids" and with searching names of fields e.g. "field:customNameOfField:"text 1" · ESC should clear search field [UI] · Generic icons + selecting color for generic icon, so all generic icons have multiple colors (as in SafeInCloud) · Option to "download site icon" while choosing icon, button next to "+" for custom icon. This should be available also from context menu · Option to select Icon color for tags · Renaming something shouldn't popup window but should make text editable · Option to change "compactness" of item cards, and whole UI. For example making items smaller. · Hamburger menu is bearable but not ideal on desktop. Add also Sync and Clear Clipboard icons to the top bar out of the menu. · Settings is unacceptable on desktop app with going back and forth as on mobile device. At least make settings as a wide pane so a lot more text fits on one line, with all categories on the left and options for selected category on the right. For categories with multiple "jumps" like "vaults", divide each jump with pane. So Categories on left, next pane is vault selection and third pane is options for selected vault. So everythign is visible at all times. There is a lot of screenspace on desktops for a reason. · Tags auto-suggestion · Option to enable "copy on field click". So users don't have to click the "copy" button but can click the field itself. · BUG - when left pane (category, tag etc.) is selected, right click is not working on items · BUG - shapes overlap on popups for small amount of time · F2 to rename tag/item · Context menus are quite poor right now. Just off the top of my head a few options that could be added: Select items(s) > export Select items(s) > add/remove tags Select items(s) > share (template for copying multiple items should be editable) Select item(s) > create template Select item(s) > duplicate Select tag/category > export Select tag/category > pin to top Select tag/category > select color/icon [Other] · Option per vault to prompt for password on vault change. Respecting timeouts for locking the vault. E.g if all vaults are unlocked, user can switch freely untill the timer or something else locks the vault. This setting should be per vault. · CTRL+S should save "open for editing" item · ESC should close "open for editing" item · Editable keyboard shortcuts (for example "add to favorites", switch to next/prev tag · Writting correct PIN should open vault without pressing enter · Ask for PIN only once and if entered incorrectly, ask for password · Alternative to PIN in form of "first/last # of characters from password · Option to enable secure desktop for entering password for vault · Password generator - specify number of digits/uppercase letters/symbols; in pronounceable password, add option to have multiple symbols not just one for separation [Import & Export] · As Enpass is not simply a password manager but a secure database, data manipulation is really crucial. Please add Import "wizard" as in Enpass 5 and do the same for export with options to only export fields with specific name etc. Creating templates and saving custom presets for importing and exporting. E.g creating export and import preset for contacts to export as valid VCF (contact card). · Preferably over time add more and more export formats so people can add more than just login details. e.g. VCF · There should be option to batch edit items. Or at least export to xsl with all available fields for currently selected items (or whole category or all items) as columns and then easy import back in (based on UUID of item maybe? Items should have that so they don't get duplicated but rather only the edited ones get updated). · Columns should have separator for data type, so importing is easier e.g. "Password [password]" or "Blocking number [phone]" or "category [text]". If data is filled into columns (fields) in rows (items) which don't have those fields, they should be automatically added to those items on re-import (update)
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Hi! Today I refreshed my OS to Mojave and when I try restore my data from the Google Drive I get message that "There went something wrong while restoring". Any guid how to run Enpass 6 Beta on macOS Mojave from Google Drive? Thanks.
I can setup one vault (e.g Primary) to sync with an iCloud account successfully. However if I try to set up a secondary vault with a different iCloud account, this passes Apple's authentication but fails with a message saying this iCloud account is in use with another Enpass vault. Seemingly it can't differentiate between different iCloud accounts in different vaults.
OS: elementaryOS 0.4.1 (Ubuntu 16.04) Browser: Firefox 62.0 Enpass: 6.0.0 (105) Extension: TOTP autofill didn't work for sites neither Nextcloud instances nor popular ones like Github. On Windows machines I didn't notice such behavior with Enpass (version 5, so no beta!). Any ideas?
I really like the new design of Enpass! However, it would be great to have the possibility in the settings getting an monochromatic icon into the notification bar. kind regards, wirebug
Hello Enpassians! Today, we are announcing the second beta release of Enpass 6 for Android which brings: What's New Secure Sharing: An option to securely share an item using a Pre-shared Key (PSK). For that you first need to define a PSK in the Advanced settings of Enpass. More cloud options to sync with: Along with the Dropbox, now you can configure sync with Google Drive, OneDrive, and iCloud. Improvements Improved the Enpass autofilling where the app didn't autofill the login details in apps and websites in Chrome browser. Fixes Fixed an issue where Enpass 6 wasn't available to download on some Android Tablets. Other fixes. Cheers!
Just a few suggestions from little old me ... Make the Menubar icon optional Ability to sort custom categories alphabetically along with the built-in categories Ability to preview attachments in the app Scrolling with a scroll wheel doesn't work Also how will we know when a new beta is posted?
Hello guys, What a great new manager! I love it. You asked for some feedback and I have some: Alt Gr + 2 is for some reason now a keyboard shortcut to open the manager. This is also the shortcut for @ on my keyboard, and now I can't type @ any more. (Scandinavian/Norwegian layout) It would be nice if there was a mouse-over tooltip for these boxes: So I can figure out what they are for without clicking them. Thats it for today!
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Hi, I'm really enjoying Enpass 6 beta in Windows, but when importing passwords from other managers, Enpass does not recognize the "Groups" (or "Folders") field, even if I edit the CSV file and manually type "Tags". I believe that Enpass should recognize it automatically or at least that an import wizard appears to customize the fields as in version 5. Of the rest, Enpass 6 seems to me a marvel.
Hi! When i try login with Chrome browser it doesn't fill username, just password and in some website fill email instead username. I have tried many site it same problem all the time.
Hi Enpass team! That we know already Enpass 6 is new app and it mean more news fields like Autofill Info. Some people change own devices every years, that mean years after years adds extra Autofill Info field. I every time when Enpass create new field I hide this long and ugly field with sensitive field like in my image. I thinkt ask if it possible to overide old field with new and make it sensitive like default. And I have one feature request , Open app and Autofill when I click on Autofill Info field. Edited: I see it work with new Autofill Info script onTap it launch the application but not Autofill it. Old Autofill field from the Enpass 5 not work.
Hey guys, We've just released a new beta update to v5.6.3 fixing the nasty issue in ownCloud/WebDAV that was irritating some of the users in setting up sync with their servers. Our beta subscribers can test it before the public release and if you're not yet a Beta tester, you can become one. CHANGELOG: Improved WebDAV sync to fix the connection issue for some of ownCloud/WebDAV users. Improved autofill using notification. If you still face any issue while setting up sync with your WebDAV/ownCloud server, please revert to me in a direct message with the details of demo account of yours. For other bugs, just drop me a line here. Cheers!
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Hi guys, As we have mentioned in our blog-post that Edge browser extension will not be part of stable releases. We will keep the beta-stream of Traditional Windows as updated as stable stream with an additional, most in-demand feature: Edge Browser extension. The newly released Enpass Beta 5.3.1 is similar to stable Enpass 5.3.0. You can download the Edge supported Beta version from here and Edge extension from here & follow the steps mentioned in readme.txt . Before using the beta version, you should be aware of risks involved by: Disabling isolation of Edge browser: To strike down the Issue of Microsoft Edge browser (where being a UWP App, it doesn't allow any other App to connect to it on same machine through loopback), we have to disable the network isolation of Edge using the following command. CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt -a -n="Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe" Warning: As per Microsoft, the use of above command to overrule the Network capabilities of Edge browser is not a general practice and is not recommended for normal users as it can make the Edge browser vulnerable. Format of Websocket origin: When edge extension connects to Enpass app via websocket, the websocket origin set by Edge is in somewhat a non-standard format https://EnpassPasswordManager_nt7fcssrybz1j:0. Ideally it should be ms-browser-extension://EnpassPasswordManager_nt7fcssrybz1j:0 Being in the https protocol format, it might lead an attacker to run an attack site on a machine that resolves to our extension ID by DNS spoofing and installing its self-signed root certificate authority on your computer. If a request come from Edge browser runing that attack site will look like an authentic request to Enpass. If you PC is already in so much control of a bad guy that he can install self signed root certificate and run a site on your machine (which requires administrator permission), you are already at potential risk. Although it is not so easy for anyone in a control environment, but as a user of Enpass, we want you to be aware of this issue. Keep using Enpass and stay secure!
I removed the current beta version (via androids uninstall feature /dragndrop icon to trashcan on nova launcher) and reinstalled the beta from Play store. Upon launching enpass for the first time I wasn't facing the first time slides, but an Master Password screen, where my password wasn't valid. I uninstalled from Play store and installed once again with the same result. After leaving beta program, the stable version of enpass behaved correctly and gave me the first time slides and I was then able to restore my backup and get up and running. Just FYI.
Hi folks! Say HellO to Enpass for Android 'O' We have just released a Beta update v 5.5.5 for Android. This update aims esp Android 'O' users to help us improving the auto-filling using new Android auto-fill framework. For more details check out the blog post. You can grab the Beta version from here. The complete changelog for this beta is Autofill in Android 'O'- Now Android O users can auto-fill in noted apps using new Android auto-fill framework. Also, you can save new logins in the app with the framework. Option to capture screenshot- Added an option in Enpass' Advanced settings to allow you to take screenshots of Enpass screen. Fixes an issue where the search box was being blacked out while auto-filling using Notifications. Other fixes. Enjoy this pre-release and don't forget to share your feedback. Cheers!
Beta version of Enpass Portable brings Attachments, Quick PIN and much more.
Guest posted a topic in Portable
Hi folks! We have just rolled out the much awaited Beta update of Enpass Portable for all the desktop platforms. The complete changelog of this beta v5.5.4 (24) is here: WHAT'S NEW Attachment support: Yes, you got it right, from now on, you can attach files to Enpass. So let it be anything, the snap of your Credit Card, Passport, key files etc., that should not be stored unencrypted to your device can find a secure place inside Enpass keychain. Quick PIN support: Set an alphanumeric PIN to quickly unlock Enpass if the App is already running in the background, otherwise, master password will be required. Touch ID and Touch bar support: Now unlock the Enpass with your fingerprint on the Touch ID-supported MacBook Pro. Also, you will see the enhanced controls in the Touch Bar of your New MacBook Pro. (Mac only) CSV/DSV import: If you’re having your passwords and login details in CSV or any other delimiter separated file, you can now import them in Enpass using the all new custom CSV/DSV data importer. zxcvbn will show the strength of password: We have empowered the password strength indicator with Dropbox zxcvbn to check you from choosing weak passwords. Selective field sharing: Sharing has gone better with an option to choose the fields to be shared rather than the whole item. So now you can share your bank details with anyone by removing login and other sensitive details. Cool, huh! Subset of password: It lets you see certain characters in password specified by position, for example, "1st, 3rd, next-to-last, last" by just mentioning their position in a specified format. A better way to organize items: You can now create sub-folders by right clicking on parent folder in sidebar with an additional feature to move subfolders among parent folders by ‘drag n drop’. We have also improved the drag ’n’ drop behavior for moving items between categories and folders where now you also get the option of copying them (instead of moving only) by pressing and holding the ‘option’ key. More auto-locking options: Added various auto-locking options under security settings of Enpass to lock on system sleep, screensaver, and Fast-user switching. (Mac only) IMPROVEMENTS: Setting up a shortcut for auto-filling: We have changed the way you used to setup the shortcut key for auto-filling in browsers. Now instead of defining it in main Enpass App, you have to configure it in your browser extensions independently. Improved behavior of copying to Clipboard: Now Enpass copies text on clipboard with a tag, protecting the data from being read from clipboard by any other app. (Mac only) FIXES: Sync with WedDAV: Enpass will now show a security warning message (while syncing) to those users who have configured their WebDAV/ownCloud server using a self-signed certificate, and they have to disconnect and set up sync again. Launching of wrong URL from helper: There was an issue with the items having multiple URLs, where, when a user tried to launch the second URL from Helper window (as one displayed on clicking extension icon), the first URL was always launched. Fixed. ERROR -120: Fixed an issue where Enpass shows error -120 while syncing esp. when the system wakes from sleep. Hiding of title bar of Enpass' settings window: Fixed an issue where the setting window of Enpass was presented in such a way that the title bar of setting window went out of scope of top limit of screen. This used to happen when the title bar of Enpass was already near the top of screen and then the settings-window's title bar was appearing just above that with no access to window controls. (Windows only) Problem while establishing connection to extension on Mac having multiple users: Clicking on extension icon was throwing Error (403 or unverified browser) as it was trying to connect with Enpass App executed by another user (in case a user has just fast-switched from another user account). It was not the expected behavior for the user who hasn’t actually installed Enpass App in his account. Fixed. (Mac only) Now the High DPI support will be enabled by default, which you can turn off in the advance section of the Enpass settings,if required. Fixed an issue where some users had to face Error 403 in using Enpass Extension in the 64-bits Browsers. Fixes an issue of high CPU usage while syncing with WebDAV. Another issue while importing from generic CSV/DSV was encountered when the data contains special German letters. Fixed. Fixed an issue when syncing with Google Drive used to stop due to the creation of multiple database files in Drive. Now sync will continue to function with the latest Enpass database. Expect more improvements to come in future builds. An issue where enabling sync with WebDAV/OwnCloud was stuck at connecting has been fixed. Autosave dialog of Enpass helper used to behaving aberrantly by fluctuating once from localized to English language. Fixed. Fixed an issue while importing TOTP fields from 1Password. Memory cleanup for added security of data. Fixed an issue while importing data from Lastpass. Other minor improvements and fixes. Important Notes: Enpass Portable will run as a separate application that will not interfere with your existing Enpass app. For New users only: Before using the Portable version, we would recommend you to please go through the instructions mentioned in the Getting_Started pdf file available in the downloadable zip. Download link The downloadable zip file consists of Executable packages and a Getting_Started.pdf file for installation and usage instructions. Download for Mac & Windows Download for Linux (64 bit only) So what are you waiting for. Get your hands on this major Beta release and share your feedback. Also don't forget to highlight the bugs or issues and keep the dice rolling. Cheers! -
New Enpass Beta for Mac brings Touch ID & Touch Bar support and other improvements
Guest posted a topic in Desktop
Hi folks! We have just rolled out a new update Enpass Beta v5.5.0.80 for Mac with Touch ID and Touch Bar support. Along with this, you will notice many other improvements and fixes. The complete changelog of this beta is here: WHAT'S NEW Touch ID and Touch Bar support: Now unlock the Enpass with your fingerprint on the Touch ID-supported MacBook Pro. Also, you will see the enhanced controls in the Touch Bar of your MacBook Pro. Option to disable updates & analytics: Enpass connects to internet for cloud syncing, checking for updates and collecting anonymous analytics. From now onwards, you can control how you want to behave Enpass for update checking and sending Analytics from Advanced preferences. We recommend you to keep the update checking option enabled as this is the only way we can notify you regarding some important security news or update but participating in analytics program is your own choice. IMPROVEMENTS Improved attachments- We have improved the image compression while attaching images and have also added a zoom button to the Attachments Image viewer. FIXES CSV/DSV Import- A very rare but critical bug that may lead to undefined behavior for any user action on any specific field of item imported using generic CSV/DSV importer. Fixed. There was an issue with File chooser dialog which when invoked over Preferences window, and then user let the Enpass auto locks. Unlocking will the let the Enpass user interface in unstable state. Fixed and checked. Fixed an issue where EnpassHelper gets crashed while unlocking browser extension with quick unlock PIN. An issue where enabling sync with WebDAV/ownCloud was stuck at connecting has been fixed. Enpass in Mavericks was crashing while exporting data. Fixed and checked. Autosave dialog of Enpass helper used to behaving aberrantly by fluctuating once from localized to English language. Fixed. SafeInCloud import notes bug fixed. Other minor fixes. Download link Download Enpass Beta v5.5.0.80 Notifications for future Beta update To receive the notifications about the future Beta updates in the app itself, you have to just enable the 'Beta Updates' from Advanced settings in Enpass Preferences. So what are you waiting for. Download it and share your feedback. Also don't forget to highlight the bugs or issues. Cheers! -
New update of Enpass Beta is rolled out for Traditional Windows and Linux
Guest posted a topic in Desktop
Hi folks! We have just rolled out a new Enpass Beta update for Traditional Windows and Linux. The complete changelog of this beta is here: WHAT'S NEW Option to disable updates & analytics: Enpass connects to internet for cloud syncing, checking for updates and collecting anonymous analytics. From now onwards, you can control how you want to behave Enpass for update checking and sending Analytics from Advanced preferences. We recommend you to keep the update checking option enabled as this is the only way we can notify you regarding some important security news or update but participating in analytics program is your own choice. IMPROVEMENTS Improved attachments- We have improved the image compression while attaching images and have also added a zoom button to the Attachments Image viewer. FIXES CSV/DSV Import- A very rare but critical bug that may lead to undefined behavior for any user action on any specific field of item imported using generic CSV/DSV importer. Fixed. Another issue while importing from generic CSV/DSV was encountered when the data contains special German letters. Fixed. (Windows only) There was an issue with File chooser dialog which when invoked over Settings window, and then user let the Enpass auto locks. Unlocking will the let the Enpass user interface in unstable state. Fixed and checked. Fixed an issue where EnpassHelper gets crashed while unlocking browser extension with quick unlock PIN. An issue where enabling sync with WebDAV/ownCloud was stuck at connecting has been fixed. Autosave dialog of Enpass helper used to behaving aberrantly by fluctuating once from localized to English language. Fixed. SafeInCloud import notes bug fixed. Other minor fixes. Download links Download for Windows v5.5.1 (.exe) Download for Linux v5.5.0-2 64 bit (Installer) For Debian Beta Notifications Windows: To receive the notifications about the future Beta updates in the app itself, you have to just enable the 'Beta Updates' from Enpass Advanced settings in preferences. Linux: For help in installing the Beta update of Enpass, check-out this FAQ. So what are you waiting for. Download it and share your feedback. Also don't forget to highlight the bugs or issues. Cheers! -
I didn't see a public facing bug/issue tracker, so I'm assuming everything should be entered here. If there is a better/preferred reporting method, sorry for not spotting it; please let me know. enpass debian 5.4.1 still has '.DS_Store' files from 2015 (which shouldn't be packaged at all) ls -lh $(dpkg-query -L enpass |egrep 'DS_Store') -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6.1K Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6.1K Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6.1K Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6.1K Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6.1K Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6.1K Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6.1K Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6.1K Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6.1K Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6.1K Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6.1K Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6.1K Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6.1K Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6.1K Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6.1K Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/96x96/apps/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6.1K Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/96x96/.DS_Store Beta version .deb packaging character encoding error in description text. ("\u2019" for unicode character 2019 (right single quotation mark), instead of the right single quotation mark) apt-cache show enpass=5.5.0-1beta Package: enpass Priority: optional Section: default Installed-Size: 81340 Maintainer: Sinew Software Systems Pvt Ltd. <> Architecture: amd64 Version: 5.5.0-1beta Depends: libxss1, lsof Filename: pool/beta/e/enpass/enpass_5.5.0-1beta_amd64.deb Size: 35476082 MD5sum: 26f26d78b5d28eb9df9f918d810f6962 SHA1: e92444b9409608324f0ea8e82419cef55c8eb586 SHA256: f3e6d55aeec7712c12efee7ff3d06bb1b5873801f58ee79a2bcc4d493188696d Description: A cross-platform, complete password management solution that securely manages passwords and all other life important credentials like bank accounts, Credit cards, IDs, passport, driving licenses etc. Everything is saved locally on user\u2019s device and optionally he can sync through other devices using his accounts of Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, OneDrive and ownCloud. Description-md5: e6961c02661fe77fcbb74a8548ef3fa9 Homepage: Vendor: Sinew Software Systems Pvt Ltd. License: SINEW END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (EULA) 5.5.0-1beta has even more files that shouldn't have been packaged... ls -lk $(dpkg-query -L enpass |egrep '(swp|DS_Store)') -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 12288 Jul 27 2015 /usr/share/applications/.enpass.desktop.swp -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6148 Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6148 Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6148 Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6148 Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6148 Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6148 Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6148 Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6148 Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6148 Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6148 Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6148 Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6148 Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6148 Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6148 Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6148 Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/96x96/apps/.DS_Store -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6148 Apr 23 2015 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/96x96/.DS_Store There are no man pages, (eg under /opt/Enpass/share/man ) Bad packaging (doesn't use dependencies, or static builds, instead includes every single library dependency, and uses a launch script Corrective action option 1. Properly call out dependencies via the deb "Depends" field, 2. compile the binary with static libs (ugly and less portable). 3. Change to a language with happy/consistent binary blobs, without external library dependencies (eg golang) ## From /opt/Enpass/bin/ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$enpassRoot/lib:$enpassRoot/plugins/sqldrivers" export QT_PLUGIN_PATH=$enpassRoot/plugins export QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH=$enpassRoot/plugins/platforms export HIDE_TOOLBAR_LINE=0 Towards a list of locally provided libs vs a double install of them (which is much worse for security patching etc...) can be provided by libgcc1:amd64 OR libgcc-6-dev:amd64 but otherwise, here is a requires entry.... The rest of the package Depends fields; Could be shortened since many of the deps would pull in things like libc6.... for LIB in $(ldd /opt/Enpass/bin/Enpass | awk '{print $3}'); do dpkg-query -S $(basename $LIB) |sed 's/: / /g' | awk '{print $1}' | egrep -v 'enpass|i386|libgcc' done|sort -u libasyncns0:amd64 libbz2-1.0:amd64 libc6:amd64 libcap2:amd64 libdbus-1-3:amd64 libdouble-conversion1:amd64 libdrm2:amd64 libexpat1:amd64 libflac8:amd64 libfreetype6:amd64 libgcrypt20:amd64 libgl1-mesa-glx:amd64 libglapi-mesa:amd64 libglib2.0-0:amd64 libgpg-error0:amd64 libgraphite2-3:amd64 libharfbuzz0b:amd64 libice6:amd64 libicu57:amd64 liblz4-1:amd64 liblzma5:amd64 libogg0:amd64 libpcre16-3:amd64 libpcre3:amd64 libpng16-16:amd64 libproxy1v5:amd64 libpulse0:amd64 libqt5core5a:amd64 libqt5dbus5:amd64 libqt5gui5:amd64 libqt5multimedia5:amd64 libqt5network5:amd64 libqt5sql5:amd64 libqt5websockets5:amd64 libqt5widgets5:amd64 libqt5xml5:amd64 libqt5xmlpatterns5:amd64 libselinux1:amd64 libsm6:amd64 libsndfile1:amd64 libssl1.0.0:amd64 libstdc++6:amd64 libsystemd0:amd64 libuuid1:amd64 libvorbis0a:amd64 libvorbisenc2:amd64 libwrap0:amd64 libx11-6:amd64 libx11-xcb1:amd64 libxau6:amd64 libxcb1:amd64 libxcb-dri2-0:amd64 libxcb-dri3-0:amd64 libxcb-glx0:amd64 libxcb-present0:amd64 libxcb-sync1:amd64 libxdamage1:amd64 libxdmcp6:amd64 libxext6:amd64 libxfixes3:amd64 libxi6:amd64 libxshmfence1:amd64 libxss1:amd64 libxtst6:amd64 libxxf86vm1:amd64 zlib1g:amd64 Please see...Debian's How Software Producers Can Distribute Their Products Directly in DEB Format
Enpass Beta v5.5 with Attachments support is available on Play Store
Guest posted a topic in Android
Hello again, Enpassianss! Here comes another Beta version 5.5 for Android with the long cherished support for attachments. Attachment support Yes, you got it right, from now on, you can attach image file to Enpass, whether it's the snap of your Credit Card or your Passport and even any other image file that you want to keep confidential in your Enpass vault. To attach other file formats, use Enpass Beta v5.5 for Desktops. Get this latest Enpass Beta build from Google Play store by Becoming a Tester and share your valuable feedback. Also, don't forget to highlight the bugs or issues to be fixed before the stable release. Cheers!- 4 replies
- attachments
- android
(and 1 more)
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Hello, Enpassianss! From the past few months, we've been working hard to bring this magnificent update v5.5 with the most demanding feature to support attachments in Enpass. All new Attachment support Yes, you got it right, from now on, you can attach any file to Enpass, be it the snap of your Credit Card or your Passport or even any other file that you want to keep confidential in your Enpass vault. Check out the Attachment help page here. Fixes Fixed an issue when syncing with Google Drive used to stop due to the creation of multiple database files in Drive. Now sync will continue to function with the latest Enpass database. Expect more improvements to come in future builds. Download You can download the latest beta v5.5 for your platform from the links below, and make sure to quit the existing Enpass app (even from System tray or Menu bar) before installing beta. Download for Windows (.exe) Download for Mac (.dmg) Download for Linux- 64-bit (Installer) The beta update will overwrite existing Enpass app. Please report the bugs or issues here and keep the dice rolling. Have fun!
- 1 reply
- attachments
- linux
- (and 4 more)