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Found 4 results

  1. In the latest desktop version (MacOS and Windows versions 6.5.2), only a subset of all custom icons is displayed in the selection list (in my case, there are 44 icons visible out of more than 100). The IOS version 6.5.2 shows all custom icons, so you can select one for an entry or also delete one. In the desktop version, if you want to attribute an icon, which is not displayed in the list of all custom icons, you will not be able to select it - you have to re-upload it.It seems, that the only the most recently uploaded icons are visible. Synchronization of all icons seems to be fine - they are in the database - existing entries show the correct custom icon, even if it is not visible any more in the selection list. Also newly added icons from the desktop version are displayed in the IOS version, when you have a look to all custom icons.
  2. Been meaning to ask this for a long time: How does Enpass determine the order of custom icons in Choose Icon? Whenever I add one, there appears to be no rhyme or reason whatsoever to where it ends up in the gallery of icons. It's not chronological. It's not alphabetical by file name. It's not file size. I have a few dozen of these because I've been using Enpass since before 6.0 had reliable favicon fetching, and every time I add a new icon, I have to hunt for it once it's been added, because it could be anywhere. On the subject of custom icons, do they still have to be exactly 200x200 for them to display correctly (as was the case way back in 6.0.x), or has the scaling been fixed?
  3. I have been using the new version 6 on Windows 10 for a few days and I have found the following issues: 1. The 'Duplicate' menu item (I recall that it was in the Edit menu) is now missing - or at least I can't find it. Has this feature been removed? 2. Password generator - the minimum number of words for pronounceable passwords is now 3. It used to be 2. A 3 word password is too long. Is this a bug or was the change intentional? 3. Custom logos - I like this new feature. However I have had some difficulty selecting the correct dimensions for an icon that will work properly. I have found by trial & error that an icon with an approx dimension of 200x200 pixels works pretty well. It would be nice if the required custom icon specification was in your manual. Also, after my experimenting I have collected quite a few icons that are the incorrect size and I would like to delete/remove. There is no option to do this. Please add the ability for the user to be able to also remove custom icons. 4. I am not keen on the blue/white colour scheme. Too flashy for me. I realize this is a matter of taste so it would be nice to be able to revert to a standard Windows theme. thank you.
  4. How do I delete my own made custom icons in enpass 6?
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