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Found 17 results

  1. Could you please consider adding export/import options to the Enpass Android app? It would greatly help with data backup, migration, and overall user convenience.
  2. When I export my vault items to CSV, the resulting export file does not include or reference the files I've uploaded to several of my saved items using the "Add File" button. How do I include them?
  3. I've been playing around with the JSON export feature in Enpass, and I have to say that I'm quite impressed by the amount of information I can get out in a relatively easy to process format. Very well done! However, I'm missing two bits of information that I would like to see included: The creation date of an item. Currently only the last modified date is available, but since the created date is also shown in the UI, I think it would make sense to also include it for each item in the JSON. Information on whether or not an item was trashed or archived. The export wizard allows you to include these items in the export, but I don't see any indication in the JSON if an item was trashed of archived. This would be nice to include, so that a restore of a JSON file with archived items can put those items in the archive also after restoring. Would it be possible to include this information in the JSON export as well?
  4. Hey there, i hope that I missed something here but what am i supposed to do with the this weird formatted .csv file? it has not header row? What I expect: title,username,password,url,category, ..., ... enpass,geekgirl,iloveyou,https://enpass.io,web, ... ,... github,geekgirl,iloveyou,https://github.com/logn,dev, ... , ... What i get: Title : enpass Username : geekgirl Password : iloveyou URL : https://enpass.io Category : web Title : github Username : geekgirl Password : iloveyou URL : https://github.com Category : web How am i supposed to use this?
  5. Dear Developer, Enpass have great app. I'm using since 2018. Enapss making more changes after 2018 but still so many features missing like other Password Managers.. Import password or export password features still not available on android app. So add this feature as soon as possible.. because I'm using enpass as a business tool.. so please proved the actual date for this feature enable version... kindly consider this request as soon as possible... Thanks & Regards. Dinesh Sitapara (CA Student)
  6. I'm trying to export my password but the Enpass app crashes after 5-6 seconds when the export process starts. I was able to export my data ONLY in .txt form but cannot do so in .csv or .json format. I'm using Windows 10, desktop app version is (traditional windows app) 6.5.1 (723). Kindly push an update ASAP. How can you get this very basic feature wrong?!? Regards
  7. Windows 8.1 install. Any thoughts?
  8. Hello Everyone I'm trying to import from my KeePass Database, but no matter which format I choose (*.csv, *.xml, *.html) and which encoding I use (UTF-8, ANSI) and which Enpass Version I use (Current release on Windows Store which I tried first or 32-Bit Beta Version which I tried after that) it always keeps saying "nothing to import". The Manual of Version 6.2 says it should be possible: https://www.enpass.io/docs/manual-desktop/import_keepass.html Can you guys help me? Kind regards Nick
  9. Hello, i just moved from Lastpass to Enpass 6 and i like the new version. I only have one issue: I prefer a 2 vendor strategy for archiving my passwords - in the past, i exported my lastpass vault to csv and imported the csv into keepass - as an archive. When i export an enpass 5.6.9 vault as a txt file, keepass is able to import this by choosing "Enpass TXT" in the import menue. When i export an enpass 6.0.X vault as a txt file, keepass shows the error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". So i seems, that you changed the txt-file format, did you? And i guess the only way to fix this is, that keepass will support the new layout in the future, right? I tried this while using Windows 10, Mac OSX High Sierra and Ubuntu 18.04 ... As a workaround: It would be great to convert the enpass6 vault to an enpass 5.6.9 vault - so that i can use a portable 5.6.9 to export the passwords in an keepass friendly way ... Best regards, A.
  10. Hi, I tried to export my password to CVS and it produced the most messy file it can, notes mixed in with usernames, usernames mixed in with urls ... etc. It's practically unusable unless I sit and fix everything manually!
  11. Hi, 1. Is the Backup File from the Desktop version identical to the Bridge version? 2. Can you import a Bridge App Backup into the Desktop version without issues? Just wanting to get an idea of the flexibility for moving between versions. Thank you!
  12. Lastpass import isn't correct Tried to import my lastpass database into enpass but most of the passwords are wrong. It happens when I use special characters. Lastpass export is using character codes like & ( complete list http://rabbit.eng.miami.edu/info/htmlchars.html ) Enpass is not changing those characters codes back so I get wrong password. Is it possible to fix this problem soon?
  13. How export from enpass to keepass in *kdbx format?
  14. Hello. I really like Enpass. But everytime I want to export vault as .txt or as .csv, the program just crash... Using Enpass 5.5.3 on Windows 10 Pro (x64).
  15. Hi, thanks for a great tool. But since i upgraded enpass to 5.5.0 i can't export my vault into a txt nor csv file anymore. Enpass crashes and thats it. My operating system is OSX Mavericks. Retina late 2012, i5 8gb ram. Thanks and have a nice evening.
  16. I use the PC- Version of Enpass. When I make a new Item I would like to make also a hardcopy on paper, which I preserve also at a safe place. Until now we can export the whole data of all items, but I did not find how I can export only the item which I have just created. For making a hardcopy and printing it, maybe it's better not to generate the content of an Item as plain text, but for example as picture for better security. Until now when I want to make a hardcopy of a new created item I make visible the hidden password, then I start my Windows snipping tool. I select the well and clear represented content of the item at the right. Then I copy the picture at the clipboard. I open XnViewMP. I import the clipboard in XnViewMP. I change the color depth of the snapshot to black/white 1bit. Then I print it. Now I habe a well and clear represented hardcopy of this item. Why do I change the color depth to 1bit? Answer: This is to save printing colors. I do not want to print some grey areas or some yellow areas. But I like the well representation. Question: Could you make a feature which makes a hardcopy of a new item in a simpler way? Thank you for an answer.
  17. I have separated by business and my personell account by folders. From time to time I have to export by business accounts to another place. For this the possibility to export the accounts of a selected folder would be nice.
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