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Found 9 results

  1. Hi all, I'm using an M1 Mac with macOS Big Sur 11.1 (20C69) and Enpass 6.5.2 (726). When I try to import a vault from Google Drive, Enpass restore dialog asks for a keyfile. But, there is no key file for this vault. I can't import the vault without a keyfile. It works on various other devices without a key file being "required". Does anyone know the problem? Here is a screenshot:
  2. Hi there, Just a simple request: That Enpass has the ability to generate custom keyfiles. By default, Enpass estimates certain policies for its generation (128-bit or 256-bit), and as an option, it can be of almost any type of file extension (which is not so obvious, for advanced users). Even if it may be possible to use images with hidden text (steganography), either generated within the same Enpass or by third-party software. Understanding that steganography does not encrypt content, but as a way to hide already encrypted content in an image. KeePass (and clones) allow you to use custom keyfiles (almost any file), and I understand that it is authenticated by the "hash" of it (if it differs from when the keyfile originated or was associated, it simply discards it). What do you think about it, will it be possible to see something like this in the future? Gabe.
  3. Guest

    NFC keyfile

    In response to this topic: I think an NFC tag/sticker with the keyfile is a good feature. I like to keep the keyfile seperate from my device. Maybe we could also encrypt the keyfile on the nfc tag so it will be decrypted on the device.
  4. After using 1Password for a long time, I plan to go back to Enpass, the first password manager I used. This is mainly because multiple vaults are available in the latest Enpass versions. My 1Password account is secured with a master password, secret key and 2FA. At Enpass I will have to use a keyfile to make the vault just as safe. But where can I store my keyfile the best and easiest so that I can access it on any device (Windows, Android smartphone, Chromebook)?
  5. Looking for guidance on how to copy the enpass keyfile from one PC to another? I am testing out Enpass as an alternative to my existing password manager. As I work from a couple of desktop PCs (home & office) being able to use Enpass directly from both desktops is a showstopper requirement. Further to this keeping a local backup of the keyfile is needed should I change PC's in the future. Having setup a vault that requires both a master password and keyfile on one PC, I now want to copy the keyfile across to the other PC so I can open the vault from there, but I am unable to access the keyfile. When browsing in file explorer to the location I saved the keyfile it does not exist. Curiously I can only see the keyfile folder when browsing from within Enpass. However it is not possible to copy the file from this browse window. The only option I can see for transferring the keyfile is the QR code so the mobile app can access it, which doesn't help with the desktop version. Does anyone know: How to access the local keyfile so it can be copied/backed up? If the copy placed on the 2nd PC needs to be setup in a special way? (i.e. Does Enpass app require the keyfile to be stored in a similar 'phantom' folder setup) Thanks in advance
  6. Hello, I am a new user. Before I go productive, I wanted to test a few features before. Something has confused me a lot. I created the default vault with a password, no a keyfile. Then I created another vault with a different password and keyfile. Now I restarted enpass, entered the master password for the default vault and can now access both vaults. But why? I did NOT check the option "Save password in primary vault" when creating the second vault. My first thought was "maybe the keyfile will be used without password". So I deleted the keyfile. Now I restarted enpass again, entered the master password for the standard safe .... and can access both safes again. ?!?! What is going wrong here? No password and no keyfile is needed to access the second vault
  7. Dear Enpass Team Thanks for the 6.0 update! I just upgraded from 5.6 to 6.0 using the Microsoft Store. I can't find an option/setting to add a keyfile. I tried "Settings -> Security -> Change Master Password" but there was no option to add a keyfile during that process. How can a add a keyfile to an existing vault? Thanks!
  8. I must be missing something as I can't seem to find where to enable adding a keyfile in addition to the password to access the vault (Windows 6.0.0 (149)). I checked under settings and can't seem to find it even though I'm reading it as available under release notes. It's probably right under my nose... Any help in locating where this gets set would be helpful. Thanks in advance!
  9. There are any plans for keyfile support? Just like KeePass does a file and a master password for access to the database. In my opinion is better for sync to the "cloud", a database out there and my keyfile always in local.
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