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Found 9 results

  1. When experienced users share items between one another with a PSK, The added instructions how to add the vault becomes tedious and stops the receiver from selecting "everything" > copy. Suggestion: add a toggle in all apps in the sharing section where users can turn off "Add instructions". Also the Warning-text could about sharing in general could be opted out from once this toggle has been used.
  2. here's an idéa. You've taken steps so that Enpass is now relying on your servers for licensechecking, fetching favico and probably something more. At the sametime we're in a pandemic where it's difficult for people to maintain security and integrity for some tasks. This includes sharing sensitve stuff like logins and passwords. For a mature organisation, there's probably less need for this internally since there's SAML, AD, AAD and other means, and of course if everyone has Enpass, you can share encrypted cards securely over email as long as you can get the PSK over in a secure manner. I do think that Enpass doesn't hit the above scenarios, so many users would appreciate a secure manner to sent creds But for those cases where you're communicating with an external member, or someone that doesn't have enpass, maybe you could implement a web-service that stores a chosen Item of Enpass making it possible for someone to retrieve it if they have a password provided through another channel. The item uploaded to, say, https://secret.enpass.io is of course end-to-end encrypted so there's a zero knowledge architecture here aswell. Upon visiting the link and providing the right password the items details are shown in the browser, and perhaps there's an "Import to Enpass" as well, although that's something overrated perhaps, it can be achieved through sending an enpasscard over email (unless it's blocked) The uploaded item is hardcoded to be temporary stored on your services, being deleted after first access of the provided link that the poster gets, or after 24 hours or something.
  3. You should add the possibility to generate a QR (as well as other share-methods) for a Pre-shared key. Would be a good complement to your existing improvement or the password generator for PSK
  4. Hi I have sent a friend of mine a "*.enpasscard" file on android with the wlan passwords for my router. He and I can't open the file on android. On his phone the e-mail app starts and on my phone a browser starts which redirects to f-droid. Non of us can tell their phone to open the file with enpass and when I look in the settings it seams that enpass did not register this file extension on the system. There is no option to tell the system that this file is associate to enpass. Regards, Marvin
  5. Hello, I tested Enpass for some weeks now an decided to switch from KeePass to Enpass. Also my family (wife and daughter) should use Enpass, but I want to have separate vaults for each family member (one vault for me, one vault for my daughter and one for my wife). Before I tested Enpass I tested Bitwarden. I will not use Bitwarden because my passwords are stored in the cloud (I know that I can set up my own server, but this is to complicated and too much work). In Bitwarden I can define a group and give this group a name (like "Family"). Then I add users to this group (by email address that they use in their Bitwarden account). Now I can share passwords with them. It would cool when I could add users in Bitwarden. They should be displayed on the left side (below "Tags") in a new group called "Users". To share a password I hust drag it to the user. Now a new dialog opens with the following options Share password read-only This is a switch (on and off), the default setting is "on" When this option is set, the target user can only use the password but not modify it. Hide password This is a switch (on and off), the default setting is "on" When this setting is "on" then the target user can not see the password (to prevent that they read it, go to the website of the service and change it there) This way I can easily share my Amazon account with my wife (but not the daughter), share the school account with both and keep my credit card for me. And when I change a shared password then all target users should automatically get the updated entry. This way is very comfortable and increases the usability a lot! If a password entry is shared, show a little icon at the right side of the password entry (like a little person). It should also be possible to see all shared passwords in one list. Of cause it should be possible to un-share a password that I have shared before. I just select the entry and select "Un-Share" from the menu. Best regards OLLI
  6. Hello If the person I am sharing the pre shared key object with does not have enpass installed is there a way she can decipher it? I use case is one on which the person does not own or have access to a desktop and therefore cannot install the free version of enpass. Thanks
  7. Hi, I share my enpass vault with a family member. Up till now we used Enpass on Windows. Enpass is backed up to my Google Drive account. I developed a solution that allows us to share the updated Enpass vault. We purchased Enpass for Android Pro (two accounts). I had not problem linking my Enpass to my Google Drive vault but seem unable to figure out a solution to do it for the other account without having to install my google account on my family member's device. Performing this function potentially enables all google services (calendar, gmail, contacts, etc) and I would like to avoid this. Has anyone figured out a workable solution. I would like to have the following: Two way updates of the Enpass vault from Windows / Android Ability to share the vault with family members (who use Windows and Android devices) allowing them to also have two way updates with me. Retain the backup feature of Enpass that works well (wish I could specify how many backups to keep but that is low priority) I have no issue moving to another cloud storage provider. Thanks and happy holidays.
  8. My wife and I currently have separate LastPass accounts but we have a shared folder for login info for shared info (e.g. bank accounts, kids' school stuff). If I update a password in one of these, it's automatically updated for her as well. Since these are in a folder, if she adds a new site, I have access as well. Does EnPass provide similar functionality?
  9. Would it be possible to have Enpass use public/private keys shared between recipients to encrypt shared items (even if the public/private generation has to take place on a Linux/Mac/Windows PC)? Thank you for the great application!
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