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Found 6 results

  1. We're building many react-native apps that will inevitably have username and password style login. I noticed Enpass assistant on android doesn't pop up when i tap into the username or password fields. Is there something we're missing, as far as I can tell it's a standard Password field. Is Enpass looking for certain attributes?
  2. Hello, Can someone please provide a step by step guide on how to sync 1 vault between two devices by using a folder sync application? I'm using resilio for this. I can create a new vault on one device and setup a sync via folder. I can see my .enpassdbsync file property shared between my devices. However, when I try to set up the second device, there is no option to immediately setup a synced vault. This means that I have to create a second vault and then I can only setup a sync for that vault too.. I want to only have 1 vault, not 2. If I try to restore the synced vault on my second device, it works fine but when I try to setup syncing, then it duplicates the vault file.. Could someone help please? Thanks!
  3. Hey there, I've been using Falkon as my primary browser for a while now and it's really mature and stable. With the release of the new Falkon 3.0.0 I would like to ask you guys if we can expect a enpass plugin/extension on it. Thank you for the best password manager, Joel Teixeira
  4. Hi, First after one week without reaction, the support asked me to create access data for my WEBDav for them. After that I did it and asked 3 times what is with it - no reaction. This is no support after all :flop:
  5. Hi I paid for android app but it still won't work. Following is email exchange. Kindly check it out. Still in purchase detect wrong playstore account to chk. It can be corrected by chking agaist all accounts. On Tue, 14 Feb at 11:56 AM , Jaspreet Singh <mail@jas.bio> wrote: I bought enpass on android. But after adding second account. The app is asking me to buy again as its picking up other account. Thx
  6. I recently came across this article: Password managers: attacks and defenses -- FEBRUARY 6, 2017 found here: https://blog.acolyer.org/2017/02/06/password-managers-attacks-and-defenses/. It describes common password attacks on password managers, mostly surrounding "autofill." For example, "The evil coffee shop attacker," "Sweep attacks," "Injection," and so forth. It lists several password managers like the big browsers (Chrome, Safari, etc.), Lastpass, 1Password, etc. It does not mention enpass. I would like to know if these types of autofill security concerns have been investigated and addressed in enpass. Thank you.
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