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Notification Option keeps on closing itself


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I open a form. Enpass shows me the icon stating that it's active in notifications. I slide down the notifications only to see the enpass option closing on its own before I can even click on it. This happens pretty much every single time. Sometime I get lucky and the option stays for long enough for me to click on it. But usually it just does not work. I am new to Enpass and I do not even know if Enpass is supposed to overlay the option to fill username/password on login forms like LastPass. 

Edited by Sushubh
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Hi @Sushubh

Sorry to hear about your trouble and we apologize for the inconvenience. Our dev team is already aware of this and they are working on it. The best workaround at the moment is to clear other notifications from the notification bar, then try to auto-fill via Enpass notification. Till then we request you to please bear with us.

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I am also experiencing this. It's caused by other notifications, especially persistent notifications like a weather notification in my case. Disabling other persistent notifications until the Enpass team fixed this problem is a good workaround. I disabled my persistent notification, since then it's working fine.

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