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Where's the Duplicate Option on Android & UWP?


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On the Traditional Desktop client, one can easily duplicate existing entries.
Sadly this feature is missing on Android and the UWP version; I presume it may also be true for iOS and Windows Phone.
From my perspective, it would be super handy to be able to duplicate entries on a mobile device and get that feature on the UWP version too.

Edited by Phylum
A very technical 'ID 10 T' error. :)
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Hey @Vinod Kumar - you totally helped me out!

Here's where I was going wrong:

Mobile Device

  1. Unlock Enpass
  2. Locate the item in question
  3. Click the three dots in the top right
  4. The only options are: Favorite, Copy Username, Copy Password, Launch Url

I expected the duplicate option to exist at the 'top level' - so to speak - not an option within the item itself.

UWP Version

  1. Unlock Enpass
  2. Locate the item in question
  3. Right click the item
  4. The only options are: Delete Copy Username, Copy Password, Open link

I expected the duplicate option to exist on the right-click menu as it does on the traditional windows desktop

Thanks and my sincere apologies for not digging deep enough.  Feel free to either delete or re-categorize the post.

This is going to save me sooo much time :)!

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