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I don't trust the lifetime offer


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From a users point of view a lifetime license seems great. From a business point of view this can't be good. As long as thousands of new licenses are sold each month, you can pay your bills. But at some point that will stop and/or decrease when most potential customers have bought such lifetime license.

It's very important to trust your passwords in the hands of a third party, like Enpass. Therefore I think it's a legitimate question: what's you business model? How do you "pay your bills"?

Edited by Marc
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Guest Vikram Dabas

Hi Mark,

Thanks a lot for dropping a note. 

With a paid mobile app (we’ve kept desktop apps on all platform free to promote the use of password managers without a barrier to entry), our focus is in getting more individual users every month – new users as well as those who are jumping between platforms. 

Since we have to acquire new users every day, our product team stays on toes to deliver better security as well as seamless user experience with each update across the board. 

Also, we do have plans to work on a subscription model for small and medium businesses as well as enterprise customers. It’s still in the works, but would grow in parallel to the consumer version which will always offer the best password manager experience that you’ve loved. 

Thanks once again for your kind words. Feel free to contact me for any queries. 

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@Vikram Dabas Thank you for your post. Are you able to comment on how Enpass is currently funded? And how many users use Enpass? I understand that the team is working on launching a new tier for businesses, and also that it is important to acquire as many new users as possible, but I don't see how neither of those answers the question of "how do you pay your bills?" posted by @Marc. If possible, it would be great to get a little more information on this.

Personally, I just moved from 1Password after using it for 3-4 years, as I needed a solid password manager that worked on iOS, Linux, and Windows. After trying many other password managers, I really liked Enpass because of how seamlessly it works across platforms and overall being very strong and modern with many features similar to 1Password. So I would love to stay with Enpass, and it would be very nice to learn more about how the service makes the money to pay for the development costs to maintain and enhance the number of mobile and desktop clients you support.

Thank you again for the fantastic work on Enpass.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Vikram Dabas

Hi @Programie

I can understand your curiosity and interest to learn about our business model since we do not charge for our desktop apps, and do not have an on-going subscription for mobile apps but here we are doing well to feed our families here. 

In the last couple of years, Enpass has gained a lot of trust among the users and has been featured in media. This trust, our consistent effort in bringing the best password management experience to all platforms, and the increased media attention has helped us in increasing the sale of our mobile apps and that's what keeping the finances in green.

Also, to increase our revenue we do have other plans to tailor Enpass for enterprises.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I may offer my opinion. 

I am happy to pay reasonable license costs for software. I am happy to pay again for major releases eg version 5.xx to version 6.xx. 

I think your current pricing is at the low end when compared to competitors of similar products. ie products under ongoing development, with ready access to techical support, user forums etc. But if your happy with your pricing model it thats fine by me as long as it means you can continue developing and supporting Enpass.

I dont like (and so far have avoided) paying monthly 'subscription' fees for any software. 

I wont use a password manager that mandates customers store their data on their controlled servers. 

Why? ...For me, I do not want to be put my login data, credit card information, banking access codes etc on honeypot of servers and I see no advantage that compells me to take a risk and add my data to such a hacker target.

I appreciate that I can sync my devices via iCloud or Box or Onedrive etc..... please dont change this ability. 

Edited by snow-white
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