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Enpass Discussion Forum

Please add Bookmark option

Dragon R

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Please add the option to add bookmarks to your product.

An old post mentions there are cross browser plugins for this. Unfortunately the programs i have looked at so far all require online accounts...and using your product for the offline database feature, defeats that point.

If you believe there are some good cross browser bookmark products, please give some examples that I can install while completely offline, and never get synced with a server.

I am trying to move from Roboform to your product. Having Bookmarks all in the same product is one less thing to install....and makes things very convenient when switching browsers because a website isn't behaving in chrome.

Plus when i eventually sync to a USB drive, while on the road, it will be nice to have all my bookmarks come along.

I can create a tag or folder called bookmarks as a work around....but it is very clumsy.



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