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Persistent crashes - stock Ubuntu 20.04 (and 19.10)


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Hi Enpass team,

I have been experiencing very persistent crashes on my Ubuntu 19.10 laptops (stock Ubuntu version with latest updates), including a brand new build installed from scratch quite recently.

Typically crashes occur when I try to invoke Enpass from Firefox to fill out some login details using the shortcut key; however since upgrading to, they've also started to occur without any interaction: I just had it SEGV on me while my session was locked (an Apport notification popped up on the lock screen). 

I think those crashes started occurring with version 6.2 or thereabout.  They were definitely already a feature with 6.3.  I've been an avid Linux Enpass user since June 2016 and it had been a pretty solid experience until then.

I am submitting the crash report feedback when prompted by your integrated reporter - must have done so at least 15 times over the past 2 months - but not the Apport ones for obvious reasons (core dumps).  Today's - while my laptop was locked - has this:

 Segfault happened at: 0x536329:        mov    0x48(%rbp),%r8
 PC (0x00536329) ok
 source "0x48(%rbp)" (0x00000048) not located in a known VMA region (needed readable region)!
 destination "%r8" ok
SegvReason: reading NULL VMA

What can I do to help you debug these issues?  I really like Enpass and would like it to be stable again.

Edited by sxc4567
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Hi Pratyush,

Thanks a lot for your reply!  I have just submitted a crash report that occurred with the typical pattern of invoking Enpass from Firefox - to fill out a login form - using the hotkey.  I have included this thread's URL in the crash report and will be repeating this process for a week or so.  I hope this method works for you; let me know if you need anything else or a different way of flagging those issues.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi  @Pratyush Sharma,

I must have submitted at least 20 crash reports with this thread mentioned in the comments over the last couple of weeks; and that's not even all the crashes I encountered.  Basically Enpass crashes on average at least 2-3 times a day.

Perhaps a couple of specific aspects from my setup that may or may not matter:

  • I have three vaults in my Enpass setup
  • Each is synchronized with a WebDav server.

Let me know if you need anything else from me?  Happy to run debug versions etc to try and get to the bottom of this if this is helpful.

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  • sxc4567 changed the title to Persistent crashes (stock Ubuntu 19.10 and 20.04 beta)
  • 2 weeks later...
  • sxc4567 changed the title to Persistent crashes - stock Ubuntu 20.04 (and 19.10)
  • 2 months later...

Hi @Garima Singh,

It's been over three months and I still face Enpass crashing several times every day on me on stock Ubuntu 20.04.  It's come to the point where I dread having to log on to any website as I know by instinct this will very likely cause a 30+ seconds interruption in my workflow while Enpass takes its time to crash, present me with the crash reporter (have you been getting those???) and finally comes back up...

As suggested previously, I'm most happy to help you debug this issue in any practical way.

Otherwise I would really appreciate an ETA for a fix.  I noticed that the Linux desktop version is a couple of minor versions behind Windows...

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  • 2 months later...

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