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OneDrive Sync Folders


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Hello, i have a Problem. When i start sync on my win 10 with the Enpass App from the Microsoft Store to OneDrive , then i became a Enpass Folder. 
and then, i Take my iPhone and begin sync to OneDrive, i become a Enpass 1 folder. ??

please help me, i Can Not Use Enpass so.


nice regards 


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On 3/21/2020 at 3:03 AM, Drausi said:

When i start sync on my win 10 with the Enpass App from the Microsoft Store to OneDrive , then i became a Enpass Folder. 
and then, i Take my iPhone and begin sync to OneDrive, i become a Enpass 1 folder. ??

There are different version of Enpass installed on iPhone and the Windows PC. Please disconnect the sync with OneDrive on Windows and update Enpass to version 6.4. Then, reconnect the sync with OneDrive to check if the vault re-syncs with OneDrive.

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Hi, I have the same Issue. On Iphone (10) is Version 6.4.1 and on Windows 6.4.
I have already disconnected, deleted and installed from scratch, fresh installed and completely resynchronized both device from fresh backup file.
The restore from backup file works.
But once I enable sync with onedrive I get 2 Folders in my App Directory

App/Enpass 1

When trying to Sync on windows the error is "Could not find Enpass6 Data on Onedrive"  ( was in german, translated)

I am a registered User.

Edited by christelhh
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Found the problem : Automatic update on windows did not work. I had to deinstall Enpass by hand and then Download it also by hand (https://dl.enpass.io/stable/windows/setup/  since an got an Error using Microsoft APP Installation. Once I did this it works again like before. Maybe Enpass can make this issue more prominent since many Users have similar problems.

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