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No Autofill

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New user here.

I cannot get Enpass to autofill or create automatically a new login. Its happenning on both Firefox and Chrome browsers on win 10. I am sure I have ticked all the boxes but still no luck. My old Roboform used to jump in straight away to fill forms, logins or save a new login.

If login on an existing site with its loging info already saved then clicking on the enpass icon in the browser it will show the correct entry but it wont offer to autofill.

What have I missed? Any help will be appreciated...






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Hi @stavrich,

Welcome to the forums!

Please have a look at our user manual regarding how autofill works in Enpass and if the issue persists, share the details so we can further investigate:

  • On which device (along with OS version) are you using Enpass?
  • Which Enpass and Enpass extension version are you using?
  • Which Chrome version are you using?
  • Are you facing the same problem with other browsers too?
  • Are you using any Antivirus or third-party security-related extension?
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Thanks for the advice. To be honest I expected a different behaviour on Autofilling

I didnt realise I needed to manually launch Enpass Assistant. I expected this to be automatic. Enpass should automatically offer to fill the login, credit card or form.

A similar behaviour as the one for  saving a new login. I think this is the normal behaviour of most password managers.

It should be easy to implement - you already have it for new logins.

Can this be done?

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I understand fully. But the point I am making is that autofilling an existing login is not as friendly as other password managers. I am experimenting at this moment with 3 password managers. Enpass , Myki and Sticky and all using brower extensions.

Myki and Sticky jump out straight away volunteering to fill the information - actually they attach themselves in the user and password login boxes. Enpass on the other hand expects me to go and click on the icon first. Why?

So far I prefer Enpass as the other have other issues that I find more annoying or missing other functions - eg one of them  lacks the functionality of "click-to-call" a phone number or "mailto" in the notes ( you could say is a minor thing but it could be very annoying trying to copying or remembering the number in order to make a call or send an email. I am glad is available in Enpass.

I believe what I am asking will help make a very good app even better. Sometimes small changes like make the Autofill more AUTOfill can make the app more friendlier and easier to use.

Main question to you. Are you a company that appreciate user's suggestions and do something about it...

Bonus to you is that you are monitoring this forum and you are very prompt... definitely a bonus to Empass.





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  • 2 months later...

Sry for taking this Thread out of the Dust but better then opening this Theme over and over again.

Having the same prob. Also thought in the beginning Enpass will fill the User/Password Fields itself but u need to open up the browser extension  to see the linked website informations for login and with a click to fill them... For me also, this is not user friendly.

I like Enpass but autofilling Browser and Desktop is something i am really missing and whatmade me using a different password manager for now.

If Enpass would implement these features i would like to use it again but tbh so many users in here asking for a long time now for this feature(s) and STILL nothing happening. Bit a shame

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  • 2 weeks later...

Autofill does not work UNLESS using a hotkey. The native chrome password manager autofill works. Enpass does not.

W10 + Chromium + recent latest version everything. I can't believe this problem has been going on for years now. Insane.

* Yes. I've read the docs - https://www.enpass.io/docs/manual-desktop/browser_ext_using.html#autofilling
* also uninstalled, relaunched chrome, reinstalled, relaunch chrome

I even disable and re-enable from desktop app. and relaunch app properly too.


Edited by webmaster
forgot to include link
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I am really dissapointed that no action is taken on this issue by the developers. Comments are passed over to them but they seem to ignore them possibly hoping they will go away.

Personally, and although I bought a subscription, i am seriously thinking of let go Enpass, write off my loss and put it down to experience. I would like to see the app helping me by telling me that I have logged and registered already on the site instead of me having to go and look for it.

other password managers seem to be able to do this quite easily and I dont understand why it cannot be done in Enpass.

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We acknowledge your feedback and apologies for the this experience.

Please share the following details so that we can investigate where the problem could be-

  • Which Enpass version are you using?
  • Can you please let me know on which all website are you facing this problem?


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It's on all the websites and is happening on my windows desktop application.

The autofil prompt pops up as expected on the android app. 

On the desktop application I have to click on the EnPass icon on my browser first, login in and then the prompt will pop up.

As far as I believe this is how the desktop app behaves or am I wrong?

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Hi @stavrich,

Thanks for writing back in.

Autofilling in web browsers on the desktops requires Enpass browser extensions, that are the plugins installed in the web-browsers to let them communicate directly with the main Enpass app. To auto-fill, you'll have to launch Enpass from the extension and select the desired login.

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  • 6 months later...

For anyone needing easier way to autofill, you need to check "Autofill details without showing Enpass assistant" and on login form, you just need to press cmd+/.  If there is one match only, enpass fills in details and submits form - nice.

Edited by gadelat
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