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Enpass Discussion Forum

Enpass does not open on system startup


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I installed Enpass from the AppStore, on macOS Catalina. I also installed the Chrome plugin and made sure that "Open automatically on system startup" is selected.


I also set my keyboard shortcut to ⌘+x like I always do.


The problem appears when I:

  1. Restart macOS
  2. Open Chrome
  3. Go to any website that requires credentials
  4. Press ⌘+x

I get this prompt



And I have to press "Open Enpass" and wait, and then enter the vault password.

This takes a lot of time.

Why isn't Enpass already open?

What can I do to fix this?


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Hey @aristosv

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Please let us know the following so that we can help you better.

  • Which Enpass and Enpass extension version are you using?
  • Which Chrome version are you using?
  • Please check if you are facing the same problem with other browsers too?
  • Are you using any Antivirus or third-party security-related extension?



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