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unable to sync with MacOS High Sierra and NAS


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Hello, after updating my mac with High Sierra, I am unable to sync with my Synology NAS.

That´s my Settings:

URL: http://ipfrommyNAS:5005/home/Enpass

Username: Name

Password: Password

After clicking the the connect button, the System says "Connect" but it does not do anything.

I have no Problems with Windows or iPhone.

Thank yoi in advance!



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Hi @thoko

Sorry to hear about the trouble you are going through.

Please make sure you are using the same URL to sync with the Mac device that you configured on Windows or iPhone devices.

If the problem persists, please share a demo account of your WebDAV at support@enpass.io or you can personally message me so that we can investigate where the problem could be.

Thanks for your co-operation.

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