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Enpass V 6.4.3 Win 10 Need help changing Vault/Data location


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I have accessed help here a few times and every time you have been excellent. I know tech's have helped us with this subject many times. However I am still struggling with the process. I would like to move my Vault/Data location to another computer or usb drive.

I have Enpass Premium. I have V 6.4.3. I am running Win 10. My download and subsequent upgrades have been from Windows. My Enpass data/vault info is located on this computer. I have 250 inputs on this data file so I really don't want to manually replace that file. This computer is old. I am afraid of hdd failure. I would like to move that Vault/data location off of my older computer to another new computer or even better a usb or portable hard drive. Under Settings/Advanced/Data location the data location file is there but there is no button to move the data location. What steps do I need to need to take to move this file?

Kind Regards,

David W 

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I posted my issue on win 10 store and didn't get any replies can someone help me here?

I have used Enpass password manager for few years now. I have accessed help here a few times and every time you have been excellent. I know tech's have helped us with this subject many times. However I am still struggling with the process. I would like to move my Vault/Data file location to another computer or better a usb drive.

I have Enpass Premium. I have V 6.4.3. I am running Win 10. My download and subsequent upgrades have been from Windows store. This computer is getting old. I am afraid of hdd failure. My Enpass data/vault file info is located on this computer. I have 250 inputs on this Enpass vault data file so I really don't want to manually replace that file.  I would like to move that Vault/Data file off of my older computer to another new computer or even better a usb or portable hard drive. Under Settings/Advanced/Data location the data location file info is there but there is no button to move the data location.

From searching the Enpass forums I think I have to install the Enpass website app. Do I need to delete Enpass Windows store app before I install the new Enpass website app? Or maybe I can install the new Enpass website app right over the Enpass webstore app?  I have the Enpass app on my iphone and Mac synced with gdrive. Do I have to delete these apps also? Will the original gdrive sync still work or will I need to delete that file and make a new sync connection? If I need to delete my gdrive sync file where is that on my gdrive? How do I tell the new website Enpass app that I am a premium user after the new install? What I am asking is what are all the steps to take to move the old Enpass Vault/Data file to a new location?

Kind Regards,

David W 

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Hi @Secure,

Thanks for writing in.

The Enpass app for Windows Store saves its data inside the app sandbox and doesn't support changing the default data location.


15 hours ago, Secure said:

From searching the Enpass forums I think I have to install the Enpass website app. Do I need to delete Enpass Windows store app before I install the new Enpass website app?

No, it's not necessary to first delete the Enpass Store version to install the website version. But we always recommend having only one Enpass app installed on your system as having two app instances may cause some issues with the browser extension functionality.

To install Enpass from the website, please follow the below:

  1. Open the Enpass Windows Store app and take the manual backup of data via Menu > File > Backup all vaults > Save it.
  2. Download Enpass from our website and install it. The link is available under 'Download from website.'
  3. Restore the Enpass database from the backup file saved in step 1.
  4. Now change the data location from Enpass settings > Backups > Change location > Set New location.
  5. Quit the app and open it again. Once it's working as expected, uninstall the Enpass Windows store version.
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  • 1 month later...

Hello again Pratyush Sharma,

Thanks for your help above. It has been a few months since I needed your help. I finally bought a new Win 10 computer and I am finally ready to download Enpass from website, install it and move the data file to another folder. This way there will be no issues with two instances of Enpass. I also have Enpass on my iphone and my Mac. Sync is through google drive. Before I restore the Enpass database from the backup file. Do I have to uninstall Enpass from my phone and Mac? Do I have to uninstall sync from google drive and set up a new sync that starts from the new computer?

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Hey @Secure

Thanks for writing in.

On 3/21/2021 at 7:33 AM, Secure said:

Do I have to uninstall Enpass from my phone and Mac?

No. There is no need to uninstall Enpass on any device.

On 3/21/2021 at 7:33 AM, Secure said:

Do I have to uninstall sync from google drive and set up a new sync that starts from the new computer?

No. All you need to do is to restore the Enpass database using the backup file on your new device and then set-up sync with the same Google-drive cloud.


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