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Sync between Windows...Mac...Android...


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I have the windows version installed...NOT the portable...

I want to set up sync using (hopefully) Pcloud which I have a lifetime membership with...Assuming I can sync with Pcloud....(not tried yet)...

Is it possible to set Enpass up on my Mac and Android and have all 3 platfroms sync using some sync provider...???


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2 hours ago, stevem said:

I have the windows version installed...NOT the portable...

I want to set up sync using (hopefully) Pcloud which I have a lifetime membership with...Assuming I can sync with Pcloud....(not tried yet)...

Is it possible to set Enpass up on my Mac and Android and have all 3 platfroms sync using some sync provider...???


There's no pCloud-support, I'd file it in Feature Request-section. 


The latter question is true though, all the available sync providers in Enpass are usable for all platforms, and as long as you sync with the same credentials on every device you'll have the same data. 

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2 hours ago, Manish Chokwal said:

Hello @stevem and @Ivarson!

Welcome to the Enpass Forum.

This is true you can sync your data across all the devices using the same cloud account. Enpass does support pCloud via webDAV sync and I would suggest you to check out our FAQ about setting up sync with pCloud.

Didn't even know pCloud had dav-support. However they seem to disable it if the user has MFA activated (which you should have)


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