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v6.7.4 locks up with High Sierra


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if I could launch I could tell you,  but I'd guess less than 100.

heh, heh, heh, what's a vault?

I haven't added any vaults that I'm aware of.

The files are backed up with Tresorit, but not "sync'd" per se.

Other than that they are backed up locally with Carbon Copy Cloner, but not to a cloud.

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Thank you for sharing the details.

Please follow these below-mentioned steps and share your findings with me. 

Note: Make sure you have the backup of Enpass database saved locally on your device. Backup is created as file with .enpassbackup extension.You have to remove enpass data manually from your device and restore it from the backup file.


  1. Quit all current running instances of Enpass → Go to Finder → Enpass data location(Documents folder by default) → Move the Enpass folder displayed there to another location in device(for safekeeping)
  2. Now launch Enpass again(it should launch from Welcome Screen) → Here, setup new Master Password → Create a couple of dummy items and lock-unlock the application. This is to check if application is still going into not responding state.
  3. If it is working fine now, Go to settings → Advanced → Apply Erase Everything.
  4. Now Restore your database using the original .enpassbackup file. 


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