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Enpass Discussion Forum

Password generator side panel dismissed too easily.


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Here are my system specs but this behaviour has been there like for ever (long time EnPass Pro user).

  • macOS 12.1
  • EnPass Pro 6.7.4 (938) 

Whenever I try to generate a new password either from Enpass home screen or from within the edit mode of any vault item, if I click outside the generator pane it is dismissed and I am not able any more to copy or fill the generated password. Given the fact that clipboard copying is problematic this has resulted many times in me changing a password on a service then coming back to EnPass Pro to save it and accidentally dismissing the password generator window.

Please add an option so that we are able to dismiss it only by clicking the (X) button on the top left of the overlay panel.


Edited by WizMeister
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