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Enpass is suggesting to save a password that is stored in Enpass

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Something weird going on where I used Enpass to login into Enpass forums but then it suggested if I wanted to save the password!?


Browser Firefox , Enpass latest , plugins:-

I dont care about cookies

ublock origin

Auto tab discard

firefox containers (not used for Enpass)

Strict Privacy Protection setting on firefox

CookieBlock ( https://karelkubicek.github.io/post/cookieblock)


none should interfere with this?!


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23 hours ago, Manish Chokwal said:

Hi @flyingbirds,

I understand your concern about saving passwords for items that have already been saved. Despite this, Enpass only does this when it finds something new in the filled details or in the URL. Therefore, it is advisable to verify whether anything has been changed. 


the only thing I notice is that the main discussion page url is:-


and the stored on in Enpass is:


am not sure which one is correct?! plus if the websites do not match shouldn't it not suggest the password in the first place since I have the "match hostname" option on in the settings? I do not think Enpass should be so finicky and delicate like this.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Hi @Manish Chokwal,

I am having the exact same issue, however I am using Brave browser not firefox, this started maybe a week or two ago and is happening on every single login that is in Enpass. Is this still an issue? or is it supposed to be fixed by now? I installed Enpass via my package manager maybe 2 years ago and it has been working perfectly fine up until recently.

After testing, the issue is NOT occurring in Firefox or Chrome - however Brave is the only browser that I use.


Brave Version 1.43.93 Chromium: 105.0.5195.127 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Manjaro Linux 22.0.0 Kernel 5.19.7-1

Enpass Version: 6.8.1 (1063)


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Hey @urbaneagle,

I appreciate your response. Please try the following steps and let me know if it helps:

  1. Make sure you are using the latest Enpass version and extension.
  2. Open Enpass main app → Browser setting → Enable the extension.
  3. Open Enpass main app → Browser setting → Review Browser → Select Browser extension → Remove/Delete → Open browser → Pair Enpass extension.
  4. You can also try to reinstall the Enpass extension. 
  5. Check if the option of "Match URL Hostname" is enabled in the Enpass browser setting.
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