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Keyboard integration gone?


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After toggling keyboard between gboard and SwiftKey, I lost the autofill integration with any of the keyboards. Instead I get the old pop-up (in some cases). 


Autofill and availability settings are turned on. 

Enpass 6.8.2 666 

Android 11 

OnePlus 7T 


Edited by Ivarson
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5 hours ago, Abhishek Dewan said:

Hi @Ivarson

I have forwarded this concern to our dedicated testing team. As soon as they update me on this matter, I'll be sure to notify you. Your patience in the meantime is appreciated.


I don't know why this happened, but I noticed that only Chrome got the legacy Autofill. 

I re-installed Chrome via Play Store and now keyboard-autofill work again. 


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3 hours ago, Abhishek Dewan said:

Hi @Ivarson

Thanks for notifying me that the issue you were facing got resolved!

I'm having the same issue with brave browser and chrome on my phone.

I've tried reinstalling it but doesn't work

Autofill and accessibility settings are turned on. 

Enpass 6.8.2 666 

Android 11, Samsung A12


Edited by Nyagaka254
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45 minutes ago, Abhishek Dewan said:

Hi @Nyagaka254

We are looking into the concern reported by you, but we require some additional information on this matter. Could you please confirm if you can autofill the details after clicking on the Enpass accessibility icon that is appearing on the username, and is Enpass getting triggered on clicking the same?

Yes, in brave browser and chrome the keyboard integration doesn't work but accessibility works and autofills nicely. 

But in vivaldi, accessibility doesn't work and keyboard integration misses boxes

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