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I'm on a MacBook Pro now with macOS 13.0.1. Using 1Password 7.9.6 and just licensed Enpass 6.8.4


My export from 1Password to non-encrypted 1pif file went well. Import went well.


However I had spent lots of time adding custom icons to my 900+ entires. Now I see (ugly) generic icons. 


How can I get my custom icons to import???


I also looked at adding a custom icon in Enpass and it is not as simple as 1P for macOS APPLICATIONS. In 1P I can drag the icon of a macOS Application onto the icon placeholder, drop and the icon would update. Seems I have to go thru a complicated method with Enpass. The default icon as ugly and are not Application specific icons. 


Help me get my custom icons. I'm including 2 small sample screen shots of icons shown in 1P and Enpass.



Screenshot 2022-11-11 at 8.50.07 AM.png

Screenshot 2022-11-11 at 8.50.47 AM.png


Hey @quattleb,

I would like to share that 1Password does not export items that include attachments, documents, or custom icons. Those items will need to be added to Enpass separately. For more details, kindly visit the FAQ. In the Enpass, you have options to use website icons as well as custom icons. I understand it does not have the drag and drop feature to add custom icons however, you can visit user-manual to know more about custom icons.  


Ummmm - It appears to me 1Password DOES export license files. Here is an example screen snap. 1Password is at the top - shows 3x license attachments. The import to Enpass shows 3x license attachments. I'll go read your FAQ but my experience is otherwise.


For the 1st attached license - both 1P and Enpass show 993 bytes.


Must say I  like how 1Password lets me SHOW in Finder. Your app forces me to Save it out to a file then make use of it.Untitled.jpg.149fdc6d88074a601692d970aba24cf7.jpg


1Password DOES appear to export custom ICONS. I just exported 3 entries with rich/custom ICONS to a 1pif file. I then created a Temporary Vault, imported and the 3 custom ICONS are preserved / present.

Or is 1P sharing icons between vaults?

I'm using 1P v7.9.6

What is the most recent version of 1P you have looked into the exported data?






Hi @quattleb

After a thorough discussion with the dedicated team, I'm afraid we do not support importing custom icons from 1Password at the moment. Moreover, when creating/importing a new Enpass Item, if you include a website address, Enpass can automatically fetch the site’s logo to use as the icon for your Item as well. To enable website/custom icons, please refer to this link.


Enabling fetching Web icons from your repository filled in maybe 10%. The vast majority of my 900+ entries have a web address for the company. For example one of the utilities I use daily - A Better Finder Renamer - has this url http://www.publicspace.net/ABetterFinderRename/. No new icon. Same for Acorn - http://flyingmeat.com/acorn/

In the long run adding the ability to drag and drop the actual application onto the generic icon shown during Edit mode would be a be improvement, IMO.


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