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Move database to another OneDrive


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Hello everyone,

So far I have saved my database in OneDrive account "A", now I want to move the database to OneDrive account "B". I copied the file "vault.enpassdbsync". However, when I connect OD B, it tells me to re-authenticate the OneDrive account, but I can't. What am I doing wrong? How can I move the database?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards

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Did you also move the entire folder structure? "MyFiles" -> "Apps" -> "Enpass" -> "vault.enpassdbsync"?

"Apps" need to be the name in the language your OneDrive is set to, so I suppose in your case it would be "Anwendungen".

I just tested this with a newly created setup and moved the file from one OneDrive to another, without any issue.


Also, did you setup the new vault within OneDrive B before or after moving? And ofcourse you have to sign-in into OneDrive B to sync your data.

Edited by AnakinCaesar
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To move your Enpass database from one OneDrive account to another, follow these steps:

1. Save the Enpass database file from Account A to your local device.
2. Restore all your data from the saved database file to a new vault in Enpass.
3. Connect this new vault to Account B's cloud storage.

Make sure to remove all backup files from Account B to avoid any conflicts. If you need further assistance, feel free to ask!

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