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TOTP One Time Codes not working


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i have a problem with the generated one time codes i tried to login in my account on nintendo and on playstation but both platform 

says the codes a not valid the only way to login is to use the backup codes. 

I tried to use the codes from my ios device they also not accepted

Is there a bug in the latest releases?


I'm on Windows 11 Enpass Client 6.9.5 (1639)

Edited by ReneOtto
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  • ReneOtto changed the title to TOTP One Time Codes not working
17 hours ago, ReneOtto said:

Windows Timezone is set to automatic

That’s good. Have you compared both codes, Windows and iOS if they are the same? (Open both apps and have a look at the same time at both codes)


if they are not, something is out of sync.

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