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Chromebook Support


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I would love to know about ChromeOS support too. Any password manager that doesn't support Chromebooks is not an option for me. 

Pls integrate TOTP and attached files to logins so that I can seamlessly switch from 1Password and I'll buy your product right away for 2 platforms.



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  • 1 month later...

I would also like chromeos support, Today i can enjoy enpass on all my devices except my chromebook/chromebox. For chromeos currently the best option is padlock.io.

There are extensions that will support webdav and gdrive (and others) I would be willing to contribute both with testing but also with a cach donation. Even read-only access would be a big plus.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to support you on this one as well - I use The Chrome Browser all the time, and I know there are extensions for the app, but I would like to see a working app for the Browser. I don't know once Google update Chrome to work with Android, maybe it will work. But I would love to see that happen. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
18 minutes ago, Zarin Loosli said:

I echo the other commenters: Chrome OS support is the only thing keeping me from using Enpass as my primary password manager.

See this is the same for me, I am stuck with lastpass which I don't really trust because I am using my chromebook as my daily driver these days.

Edited by hack13
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This is great news but I'm guessing wil only work on the newer Chromebooks that can run Android apps (2016 and onwards)? I bought I Chromebook in 2014 and it is not on the list of chromebooks that will be updated to run Android.

Any more details / timeframe on this at all?



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  • 2 months later...
Guest Vikram Dabas

Hey guys,

A good news for all Chromebook+Enpass lovers. We have just released Enpass Beta v5.4.4 for Android (supporting Chromebook :)) and If you are a beta tester for Android, you can get it right now from Google Play Store

Have fun!

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