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Error when Syncing with Onedrive


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I've been using Enpass for several months without problems, but earlier today I started seeing this problem when syncing from the Android app. The windows app works perfectly.

I already uninstalled Enpass from my Android device without success.

Can anyone help me?


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Hi @adria

Sorry for the trouble you're going through.

The reason behind getting the error code 118 is that Enpass is "Not able to download data from the selected cloud". So please make sure the internet connection is stable on your device and date and time setting set to automatic.

If the problem persists, please share the Device and versions of Android and Enpass you use. Also, log in to your OneDrive account and look for the Enpass folder there (should be one Enpass folder there). Now inside that folder, check for the sync_default.walletx for the number of copies it has (should be one).

Thanks for your co-operation.

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On ‎2018‎-‎08‎-‎29 at 6:59 PM, Anshu kumar said:

Hi @adria

Sorry for the trouble you're going through.

The reason behind getting the error code 118 is that Enpass is "Not able to download data from the selected cloud". So please make sure the internet connection is stable on your device and date and time setting set to automatic.

If the problem persists, please share the Device and versions of Android and Enpass you use. Also, log in to your OneDrive account and look for the Enpass folder there (should be one Enpass folder there). Now inside that folder, check for the sync_default.walletx for the number of copies it has (should be one).

Thanks for your co-operation.

Thanks for the reply.

I can confirm I have only one file on the Onedrive Enpass Folder (see picture).

Time is set automatically on both my computer and my phone, which are on the same local network.

I'm using Enpass v5.6.9 on Android 8.0 on my Samsung Galaxy S9+.

The computer version is from the Microsoft Store, latest version as well: 5.8.19 (5548).

What might be worth saying is that I travelled a few days ago and the time zone changed, and I'm having the problem since then.

But both machines are on the same time zone now, and the Desktop version syncs without problems.


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Hi @adria,

Thanks for writing back and sharing the details.

We've tested this issue in our lab and sync with OneDrive works fine. I would suggest you please try resetting the Timezone on both devices. Also, please let me know are you using normal OneDrive account or Business?

Meanwhile, I would suggest please try restoring Enpass data on the Android device using WiFi backup and restore. For this please follow these steps:

  • Open Enpass on Windows PC and manually take the backup via File --> Backup and save it.
  • Now open Enpass on the Android device and restore your data via WiFi

For Testing Purpose: Please try syncing your data with some other cloud services are let me know are you getting the same error code?

Thanks for your co-operation.

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Hi, I've just tried what you said. I'm using a normal Onedrive account.

I restored the database via WiFi and it worked. I now have the passwords on my Android device.

However sync to Onedrive still doesn't work. I tried Google Drive and it works.

The time zone is set to auto on both Windows and Android. I don't know what else to try.

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