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The title says it all. I uninstalled the 6.0 version, as it refuses the import saying "wrong password". The problem is...that it's the good one so... I don't have time to manually re-create everything from scratch. Seriously.. a software managing passwords and unable to import it's own saves Oo. I reinstalled the previous version.

Posted (edited)

I've found something : in the import list of the new version, choose at the end of the list "Formated CSV", (I've tried everything in the list...) hopping you do not had the idea to export your last saves in the txt format. The you'll have to check every link to be sure each have the connection url, if not, enpass won't recognize the connection form. With this new version things are in the wrong place once imported and you'll have to correct everything one by one.

It would have been usefull to precise this....BEFORE users install the update to avoid all this mess. If I had knew this before, I wouldn't have updated for sure.

Anyway, thanks for this extra-work...always fun to loose time huh ?

PS : for the record, in the meanwhile I had reinstalled the previous version = 5.6.9, but one I restarted my browser, the extension didn't work...because it was a 6.0 .xpi and not the 5.6.9, so as said in the FAQ incompatible. It would be nice to give users who do not want to migrate, (at least for now)  the old xpi so that they wouln't loose time....

Edited by bruno

Hi @bruno,

Sorry for inconvenience.  

Please quit Enpass app and go to Enpass data folder in your system. It stored in C:\Users\<your-username>\AppData\Local\Packages\SinewSoftwareSystems.EnpassPasswordManager_fwdy0m65qb6h2\LocalState folder. Take a copy of walletx.db file as this is your main database. Now rename/delete Enpass folder and start Enpass again. Choose restore from backup file option and pick previously taken copy of walletx.db.  

Optionally, if you have synced data to a cloud previously, you can follow this FAQ to restore it. 


Hi @Texconsin,

Sorry for inconvenience. As a quick fix, please use this FAQ to restore your data.

Enpass 6 was in beta from more than 3 months and all reported critical bugs had been fixed in this time. Enpass 6 is a completely new software. Given the nature(offline, with many sync options, platforms) of software, there are too many types of permutation/combination possible that we could not anticipate all in advance. If we have stored your data on our servers the migration would have been very smooth or  a simple reset of software would have been enough.

Yes, Migration curve will be steep, but we assure you that we are here for every single user to make it happen.


11 hours ago, Vinod Kumar said:

Enpass 6 was in beta from more than 3 months and all reported critical bugs had been fixed in this time. Enpass 6 is a completely new software. Given the nature(offline, with many sync options, platforms) of software, there are too many types of permutation/combination possible that we could not anticipate all in advance. If we have stored your data on our servers the migration would have been very smooth or  a simple reset of software would have been enough.

@Vinod Kumar

Thanks to have replied, unfortunately, no such db file on my HDD. I suppose it has been deleted when I reinstalled the 6.0...

To reply about what you've said above, everybody knows softwares updating is a complex operation (thanks for Enpass and all the efforts you've provided us freely with this tool)  but why users are not given the choice to go back ?  I use Enpass since months to order dozens nutrients food complements on internet, (I'm sick with S.I.B.O and others funny things like this) and I need my loggin informations 100% functional as soon as possible.  So can you provide a link to the old Firefox plugin for v 5.6.9 ?This way, I can reinstall everything like it was before and once  it'll be ok, I'll backup the wallet db file and update to the 6.

Thanks by advance

Best regards



i have had same version 6 password problem in Linux and wish to revert to version 5.6.9.  I followed above download link and received Enpass_Installer_5.6.9 which is a "application/x-www-form-urlencoded (47.0 MB)" file.  How can I use this to install in Linux when it is not recognised?



Hi again...

Just realised that it was necessary to mark the file as "executable" (although it already said it was an executable file type which is what confused me) so then the install worked.

Apologies for bothering you...

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