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Enpass 6 says to get Premium download App Store version, App Store version doesn't recognize my vaults

100 Watt Walrus

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So I've been using Enpass 6 since the first beta. I downloaded the production release today from enpass.io, and it says premium features require the version from the Mac App Store. OK, so I download the Mac App Store version, which gets installed separately from the version I downloaded from enpass.io. I launch it, and none of my stuff is there. Instead of showing my vaults, I see a red icon of a cloud with a line through it. All Items has only 13 items, and they're all from May 2018. Where on earth is this 7-month-old data coming from?

When I open the version downloaded from enpass.io, it shows all my vaults and all my items just fine. But I can't go premium because premium requires the App Store version.

Why was the App Store version installed separately? Why was it installed in a folder inside Applications instead of just loose in the Applications folder?

If the data I'm seeing is leftover from when I tried Enpass 5 (before joining the Enpass 6 beta), how do I get rid of it, and how do I make sure I'm getting rid of only the old Enpass 5 data? And how do I get the App Store version of Enpass 6 to look in the right place for my data?

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Likely, you will have three or four Enpass applications on your Mac at the moment:

  • 'Enpass 5 GA' (might have been replaced by Enpass 6 GA non-App Store-version tho')
  • 'Enpass 6 Beta'
  • 'Enpass 6 GA' (non-App Store-version)
  • 'Enpass 6 GA' (App Store-version)

Your data in Enpass 6 GA (App Store-version) is likely using the 'Enpass 6 Beta'-vault, which was the first to adopt the new vault scheme. If your most up-to-date vault is currently on a cloud platform, it's safe to remove all Enpass apps and only download the App Store-version. You can then restore your most recent vault into the Enpass application. Separate installs of non-App Store-apps and App Store-apps is common in macOS, as well as having an Application.localized folder when multiple apps with the same name are found.

EDIT: I can't stress this enough, but make sure to have backups of your vault(s) in non-Enpass folders.. just for safety.

Edited by rowankaag
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Hi @100 Watt Walrus,

Please go to launchpad and press and hold Enpass icon. Enpass store version will show a cross on it. Press it and it will uninstall store version alongside any data in sandbox. If you directly trash an app from Application folder, its sandbox data is not cleaned properly. Now, install store version again and start fresh.

Having multiple versions of Enpass may cause unpredictable behavior when you launch a link for Enpass (like sync redirection from browser etc.). Either of Enpass  can be invoked.


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1 hour ago, Vinod Kumar said:

Please go to launchpad and press and hold Enpass icon. Enpass store version will show a cross on it. Press it and it will uninstall store version alongside any data in sandbox. If you directly trash an app from Application folder, its sandbox data is not cleaned properly. Now, install store version again and start fresh.

That took care of it. Fresh install from App Store now asking to restore from cloud. Thanks! I'd prefer it recognize the existing local data, but this is better than what was going on before, which I'm pretty sure was Enpass 5 data hanging around after I uninstalled that version after build 250.



1 hour ago, rowankaag said:

EDIT: I can't stress this enough, but make sure to have backups of your vault(s) in non-Enpass folders.. just for safety.

Oh, I'm on top of that. Thanks!

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I basically bought Enpass in the App Store the 29.12.2017 (Happy birthday). I tested your Beta software on macOS and iOS for the last months. Now I discover that the final version is out in the nature - ok, seems great, looks like you did a really good job!

Ok, I see that Pro features not available… I try to Restore Purchase so. Error while restoring purchases. Ok, shit happens. So now I read this forum and find out I'm not the only one. Cool! Or not? If stuff this basic isn't working, should I really trust you with my most sensitive data?

As suggested in this topic I deleted the Enpass 6 Beta, as well as the store version and all sandbox data (using AppCleaner). Reinstalled Enpass from the Mac Appstore.

Your program still won't Restore my Purchase. And I'm mildly annoyed…

So? What can you do for me?

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Actually you had to. Enpass v5 needed to be bought (either the app itself, or via In-App Purchase, I honestly don't remember). The automatically installed update to v6 then blocks basic functions? Promised features such as Favicons and DarkMode are missing?  Sorry, no comprehension for this.

Edited by Caliguvara
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@Caliguvara Enpass 5 for Mac has always been 100% free (free download, no in-app purchases) as far as I know. The only paid upgrade I know of was for Enpass 5 for mobile platforms in order to get >20 items in your vault.

As Enpass 6 for macOS is an in-place upgrade for the Enpass 5 for macOS application, it is provided as an update if you’ve already downloaded Enpass 5 for macOS in the past.

Favicons will be (re-)added in the near future, Dark Mode is available in free version of macOS. All features that were available in Enpass 5 for macOS are still free in Enpass 5 for macOS 6 (except for Unlock with Touch ID). The in-app purchase will grant you access to the aforementioned Touch ID, Custom Categories and Custom Templates.

Edited by rowankaag
Changed iOS to mobile platforms
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