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[SOLVED] Enpass 6.0.0 --> Win 10 (18.03) with Firefox 64 not working


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I try to use Enpass on a new HP Laptop with Windows 10 since Enpass Version 5.6, after the first Installation the Firefox Extension was working and connecting to the Enpass Application (Win32) but after a reboot it never works anymore (Enpass crashes when I try to start it).

A few weeks later I retry now with Enpass 6 Win32 and then the Store Version with Firefox Extension --> No way to get it connected!

After a lot of reading and searching I found this commands to check if the Enpass application is enabled:

C:\Users\HrK>netstat -ano | findstr 10391
  TCP              ABHÖREN         9968


C:\Users\HrK>echo off & (for /f "tokens=5" %a in ('netstat -aon ^| findstr 10391') do tasklist /NH /FI "PID eq %a") & echo on

Enpass.exe                    9968 Console                    4       134.204 K

Seams to work.

Next was to disable the "Sophos Home Antivirus" but even then the Extension was not able to Connect to the Win32 or Store Application (once I try to connect the Store Application were Installed so I do have hat both Version's Installed at the same time as I see in the System Tray two Enpass Applications?!)

Even this to not help at all, so I install Google Chrome but here also the same issue, no way to get the Browser Extension to work!

Until now it seams that Enpass is an traditional M$ Software because it just wastes my time --> personaly I use Linux since 10+ years and there Enpass works as it should be.

Does anyone who have the same Issue already hav a fix for that beside use Linux?

Edited by PbK123
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Hi @PbK123,

Firefox extension from store is deprecated. Please download latest Firefox extension from here.

If the problem persists, enable logs of Enpass extension and Enpass app by following these steps:

  1. In Enpass app go to Settings -> Browser and enable logs.
  2. In Enpass extension, go to Enpass extension's options page and enable logs.
  3. Restart browser.

Copy the logs of Enpass app and extension and mail us at support@enpass.io.


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Hello Vinod,

thank's for your fast reply!

I already use the nex Extension 6.0.0 from the page you send the link above and here are the content of the log in the Firefox Browser Extension Settings:

    5.1.2019, 09:23:26 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:23:26 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:23:26 : Connection opened
    5.1.2019, 09:23:26 : Connection established on port 10391
    5.1.2019, 09:23:26 : Message parsed successfully
    5.1.2019, 09:23:26 : Greetings from Enpass
    5.1.2019, 09:23:26 : Self Initiating srp.
    5.1.2019, 09:23:26 : Authentication required
    5.1.2019, 09:23:26 : Termnating srp initialization process.
    5.1.2019, 09:24:29 : Message parsed successfully
    5.1.2019, 09:24:29 : App Different user.
    5.1.2019, 09:24:29 : Closing connection
    5.1.2019, 09:24:29 : Disconnecting Manually.
    5.1.2019, 09:24:29 : Bug with 10391
    5.1.2019, 09:24:29 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:24:29 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:24:30 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:24:31 : Error with connection after other user reported.
    5.1.2019, 09:24:31 : Got Error
    5.1.2019, 09:24:31 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:24:32 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:24:43 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:24:43 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:24:44 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:24:45 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:24:46 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:25:27 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:25:27 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:25:29 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:25:30 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:25:31 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:25:33 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:25:33 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:25:34 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:25:35 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:25:36 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:25:48 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:25:48 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:25:49 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:25:50 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:25:50 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:25:50 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:25:51 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:25:53 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:25:55 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:25:56 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:25:57 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:26:08 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:26:08 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:26:09 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:26:10 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:26:11 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:31:40 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:31:40 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:31:42 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:31:43 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:31:44 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:32:29 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:32:29 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:32:30 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:32:31 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:32:32 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:32:56 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:32:56 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:32:57 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:32:58 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:32:59 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:33:20 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:33:20 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:33:21 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:33:22 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:33:23 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:34:00 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:34:00 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:34:01 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:34:02 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:34:03 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:34:24 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:34:24 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:34:25 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:34:26 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:34:27 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:39:33 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:39:33 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:39:34 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:39:35 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:39:35 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:39:35 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:39:36 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:39:37 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:39:38 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:39:40 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:39:41 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:39:42 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:42:36 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:42:36 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:42:37 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:42:38 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:42:39 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:42:53 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:42:53 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:42:54 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:42:55 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:42:56 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:43:25 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:43:25 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:43:26 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:43:27 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:43:28 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:43:40 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:43:40 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:43:41 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:43:42 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:43:43 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:46:58 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:46:58 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:46:59 : Got Error
    5.1.2019, 09:46:59 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:47:00 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:47:01 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:47:11 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:47:11 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:47:12 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:47:13 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:47:14 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:54:06 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:54:06 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:54:07 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:54:12 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:54:13 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:54:16 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:54:16 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:54:17 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:54:18 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:54:19 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:55:15 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:55:15 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:55:16 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:55:17 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:55:17 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:55:17 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:55:18 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:55:19 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:55:21 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:55:22 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:55:23 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:55:26 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:55:26 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:55:27 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:55:28 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:55:29 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:58:55 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:58:55 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:58:56 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:58:57 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:58:58 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:59:03 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:59:03 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:59:04 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:59:05 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:59:06 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:59:09 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:59:09 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:59:10 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:59:11 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:59:12 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:59:13 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 09:59:13 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:59:14 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:59:15 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 09:59:16 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:00:11 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 10:00:11 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:00:12 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:00:13 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:00:14 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:01 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 10:01:01 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:02 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:03 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:04 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:26 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 10:01:26 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:27 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:28 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 10:01:28 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:28 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:31 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 10:01:31 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:31 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:32 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:33 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 10:01:33 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:36 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 10:01:36 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:37 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:38 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:38 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:38 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 10:01:38 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:39 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:42 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 10:01:42 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:43 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:44 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:44 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 10:01:44 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:47 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:48 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:49 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:52 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 10:01:52 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:54 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 10:01:54 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:57 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:01:57 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 10:01:57 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:02:00 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:02:02 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:02:07 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:02:20 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:02:21 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:02:26 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:02:48 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:02:49 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:02:50 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:03:31 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:03:36 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:03:41 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:04:32 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:04:33 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:04:34 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:04:37 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:04:38 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:04:39 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:04:41 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:04:42 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:04:43 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:04:45 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:04:46 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:04:47 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:04:49 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:04:50 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:04:51 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:04:53 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:04:56 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 10:04:57 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:01 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 11:28:01 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:02 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:03 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:04 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:38 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 11:28:38 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:39 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:40 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 11:28:40 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:40 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:41 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:42 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:44 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:45 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:46 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 11:28:46 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:46 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:47 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:48 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 11:28:48 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:48 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:49 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:50 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 11:28:50 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:50 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:51 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:52 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 11:28:52 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:52 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:53 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:55 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:57 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:58 : Connecting using websocket
    5.1.2019, 11:28:58 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:28:59 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:29:00 : Opening connection on ws://
    5.1.2019, 11:29:01 : Opening connection on ws://


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Hello Vinod,

you pointet me to the right direction!

I use Sophos Home (Free) and here I need to log in to the management web interface and add the as exclude, then after I restart Firefox the Extension works.

Btw. on Windows 7 the Sophos Home and Enpass works without this!

Here are a screenprint where and how I add the localhost address:


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On 1/5/2019 at 7:17 PM, PbK123 said:

Hello Vinod,

you pointet me to the right direction!

I use Sophos Home (Free) and here I need to log in to the management web interface and add the as exclude, then after I restart Firefox the Extension works.

Btw. on Windows 7 the Sophos Home and Enpass works without this!

Here are a screenprint where and how I add the localhost address:


Great, I have exactly the same problem. I found this post and notice I am using Sophos Endpoint Security and Control. I excluded in Sophos and restarted Chrome then the extension works! Thanks a lot. I almost gave up. 

Edited by Hui
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  • 4 months later...
  • 7 months later...
On 1/10/2019 at 11:38 PM, neels said:

i have exactly the same problem. but i am sitting behind a managed sophos endpoint where i cannot add these rules.

what can i do?

Same here. In the managed sophos there's no "protection" tab. 


Edited by leftliber
sophos endpoint screenshot attached
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
On 1/12/2019 at 4:12 PM, Hui said:

Great, I have exactly the same problem. I found this post and notice I am using Sophos Endpoint Security and Control. I excluded in Sophos and restarted Chrome then the extension works! Thanks a lot. I almost gave up. 

How did you exclude in Sophos Endpoint Security and Control? There is no possibility for me to exclude anything. I even cannot find the option "settings". Using the latest Version of Firefox and Sophos Endpoint Security and Control. Thanks for Helping.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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