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[Forwarded] BUG - Missing Data after KeePass Import


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In KeePass 2.41 i exported some password entries to the "KeePass XML (2.x)" format and imported them in Enpass.
Here the following data is not imported:

Password History
The old passwords are stored with change date in the XML file.
The "..." mean that I deleted some XML code (so you see only the relevant code).

				<Value ProtectInMemory="True">Password_OLD</Value>


Expiry Date
Also the expiry date is stored in the KeePass XML:



Please fix this import issue because these fields are important data that should also be imported.

Best regards


Edited by OLLI_S
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One annotation:

In KeePass the expiry date is a date and time value:


So you should also store a date (Year, Month, Day) and not just the number of days.
You should also show a date in the UI instead the number of days.

A much better way to display/edit the expiry date would be to show it as a separate field in the UI (below the password).
When the user edits the entry, show behind the password field a calendar icon where you open a calendar control to pick the date from.
But the user should also be able to enter the date in the expiry field manually.

Best regards


Edited by OLLI_S
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