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BUG in match url hostname!


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One step forward, two steps back... With the latest iOS update you fixed some really annoying bugs, but there comes new for things that previously worked correctly.


Now the match URL hostname functionality is broken. Not for all sites, but for a lot. I think it happens when the hostname is something other than "www". In those situations no entries can be found. Then you have to search manually for the item you need.

BUT as you have done a step back in searching engine too, it's impossible to search for something else then the exactly name of the password item (at least in the iOS "helper", not the Enpass app itself).


Thank you so much that we can continue out beta testing in productive use! >:(

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  • 1 month later...

@Anshu kumar or somebody else from the Enpass team...

Is there any version update coming soon for iOS to fix this (and other bugs)? A lot of time passed and I cannot use that simple basic feature and have every time to manually search for the appropriate password item when it should be suggested by Enpass itself. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Anshu kumar

The new iOS update is there and still no fix for this annoying bug for one of those basic features. Can you give some feedback if you are working on it?

As I already told it's only about subdomains other than www or the domain itself. Here are some examples:



not working:



Please take a closer look at this bug! It's been 2 month already since I mentioned it... it's not funny anymore :/

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