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28 days later still no Box


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I’m done with you clowns. 

You deleted functionality that users weee dependent on. Remove a working and realistic method of multiple vaults and instead expect users to set up redundant cloud sharing accounts. 

How about instead of window dressing bug fixes you restore functionality for the people that you cut off from their vaults. 28 days and I now have 6 divergent vaults on Box and no means of effectively merging these in the event you ever restore the functionality that you robbed us of. Robbery being a fair description for taking money for features that you then scrapped without warning leaving users with orphaned data. 


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@Anshu kumar

On windows Desktop program, the Box.com sync option doesn't actually work. It never logs in. When I select it, it opens an authentication window in my browser, I log in, grant access, and it says it wants to open the next link in the Enpass desktop app, I say ok. and then in the enpass app, the loading animation just keeps... loading/spinning. It never works.

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