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Enpass Discussion Forum

Change Sync Location?

Michael L

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Set up Enpass on home (Windows 10) PC and iOS device, synced via DropBox.

Now want to set up on work (Windows 7) PC.  But due to restrictions by my company, I cannot access DropBox on work PC (actually, while on work network).

Is it easy/safe to just change the sync location to another cloud service, such as OneDrive?  Any specific steps I need to follow to ensure no loss of data?

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  • 8 months later...

Hi. New to Enpass.  I have the same question.  I set up a sync to a local folder, but want to switch to cloud.  Don't see any option to disconnect the current sync setting.  Tried deleting the current folder, but now just get error message that can't reach the folder.  Thanks.

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