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Rescaling of Enpass Assistant on multiple-monitors


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I have upgrade to v6.1.0 437 (not Beta) but still have issues with multiple monitor rescaling:


Rescaling of Enpass Assistant on multiple-monitors: A bug where the Enpass Assistant didn't rescale itself on multi-monitors has been fixed. (macOS only )


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Hi, running Enpass 6.1.0 (390) + FF extension in version 6.0.2 on macOS.

Is this the same bug with rescaling everyone is talking about and is supposedly to be fixed in the last version?

I am getting these glitches (either scaled down x2 or scaled up x2 so that only part of the interface is seen) for quite a long time now (since 2 or 3 versions). Killing and restarting Enpass does help. I am using a MacBook Pro 2015 with 192x1200 retina display (the screenshot was taken on Retina hence it's twice the dimensions) + a regular non-retina 2560×1440 external display. I am usually switching between them (i.e. either using built-in retina panel with no external display attached, or using the external display with macbook closed).

Willing to provide more info if it helps. Please, please, fix this because it's really annoying as hell.




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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Vikram Dabas

Hi All,

Sincere apologies for all trouble you are going through. Our dev team has identified the issue, and an update with the fixes has already been submitted to the Store. It's under quality check and will be rolled out soon. We appreciate your patience and co-operation.

Also, recently we've released a beta update (.pkg) with the fixes. So if you want to give it a try, then you can install it from the here.


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