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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/19 in all areas

  1. When I create a password with symbols on it I found issues with websites (many) that only accept certain symbols. It is quite annoying to have to replace the symbols manually. In theory I could write in Enpass the Symbols to exclude but generally I do not know which are they. Website usually give you the opposite information, the allowed symbols. Therefore I would like to see an input field for the allowed symbols.
    2 points
  2. Hello @Wenuy, Thanks for using Enpass. We appreciate your effort in providing us inputs for improvement in our product. We've forwarded your suggestions to our dev team. Thanks!
    2 points
  3. First off, love Enpass, thank you. Secondly, I'd also like this feature. I've found that the Enpass feature to restrict specific special characters in passwords has been at times beneficial. However, it has been my experience that more websites will tell me a specific list of allowed special characters for passwords. This becomes an exercise of trying to enter the inverse list (all the "not allowed" characters) into Enpass for those websites. Then afterwards, having to remember to remove that list for the next time I create an account. It would be be very helpful if, in addition to the "Exclude Symbols" text box for generating passwords there was a second "Use Only These Symbols" text box. Although it isn't anything where the product is technically not capable, it does create an emotional "uggg, not again" feeling that centers on the product as much as the website.
    1 point
  4. On 64-bit Linux Mint 19.2 "Tina" (Cinnamon), I followed the Enpass instructions for adding an apt source and installing Enpass (this installed version After experiencing same/similar problems as the topic starter, I did this at a terminal (Bash shell) to downgrade to an older version (, specifically)*: Quit/kill Enpass: $ pkill -i enpass Remove Enpass: $ sudo apt-get purge enpass Search for available Enpass packages: $ apt-cache madison enpass Install specific version of Enpass: $ sudo apt-get install enpass= To avoid upgrading Enpass during an apt-get update/upgrade: $ sudo apt-mark hold enpass If/when you no longer need to keep a specific version: $ sudo apt-mark unhold enpass *Worked for me; YMMV.
    1 point
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