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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/22 in all areas

  1. Hi @RoadRunner! I don't think so. Enpass is an offline password manager. So nobody has access to your master password. Did you try to type your master password into a text editor, so you can see if you are typing the correct one? Maybe capital letters are enabled? How are you syncing your vault? Is it in a cloud? If yes, you could remove Enpass from the computer on which the master password is not working. Then reinstall Enpass. When starting Enpass for the first time, you will be asked if you want to create a new vault or if you want to restore your vault. Just restore the vault from your cloud account, and it should ask for the master password. Now log in with the master password that works on the other computer. I hope that this works for you.
    1 point
  2. I did much research and found that :- Enpass is the only app that sells a license, multiplatform, nice GUI, and lets you store you vault where you want with WiFi sync. This is Enpass wining card here. The app is 70-80% there it only needs some bug fixes, some ironing out, and some polish. I guess the best thing we can do for Enpass is to advertise it and tell our friends about it. They can do some marketing too. Unfortunately , password managers are kind of like email where if you pick one you just end up sticking with it forever. There is also Codebook which I do not feel the developers behind it are serious or dedicated to it and Stickypassword which has a $200 lifetime purchase (albeit reasonable if it means 30+ years of updates) and even more obscure than Enpass but their software might be very good I have no idea, they claim they have been around since 2001. I think we can all agree we need more Enpass user base so maybe they can do some marketing and be the anti-1password but first impressions are important and bring back that cmd+\ that everyone loves!
    1 point
  3. This is a pattern with me. My choice of podcast app is the only one with exactly the combination of features I want — but it's UI is cluttered and confusing. A couple times a year, I flirt with other apps, then go back. My desktop email app has several hard-to-find (or even exclusive) features I've come to rely on, and is 90% the best mail app I've ever used — and 10% train wreck (I can think of one bug that's at least 12 years old), and its developers are a bunch of jerks who are so afraid of feedback the only way to contact them is through at $8/incident ticketing system. I tried 30+ weather apps before finding one that does what I want. I'm still looking for the perfect note-taking app (I've tried 40+), but all of them are missing at least one feature I consider vital (e.g., has tags, but not #inline/nesting/tags#), so I'm using 4 of them for different things. I could go on...
    1 point
  4. I keep thinking I might try other password managers too, but then I look at all the comparing I did before settling on Enpass in the first place, and it's the only such app that has the combination of features I need (among them: multiple, sharable vaults stored where *I* choose; custom templates & hugely customizable within each Item/entry). I wish Enpass were a bigger player (hardly ever gets mentioned in articles comparing password software), so they would have more money for better development. I know they're a small team, and I know they work hard, but yeah, Enpass is always a little frustrating, and only becoming more so with non-committal "I have forwarded this to the concerned team for further investigation" replies to bug reports. (They used to be more engaged.)
    1 point
  5. I tried all of them... But the only one matching my needs could be StickyPassword. The support is fast, but there are some things that forced me to leave. Actually, I'm quite happy with Enpass, and I'm looking forward to the next update. Hopefully it comes soon and fixes lots of things.
    1 point
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