Uffff, what a big mess and very very bad management of it... 48 hours later they even don't know where they are...
As a password management app, Enpass should be designed as flawless possible and must have different guaranteed ways of access to its content, very strong procedures for development, tests, roll up deployment and roll back if necessary. Those are mandatory points. Sadly, Synew have not considered them.
When a critical app fails it must be only for very very short time and the provider must give very good management of it, specially providing workarounds or rolling back last version from public repositories, in this case Windows Store. In this case Microsoft or Synew have been unable to mobilize resources to restore/roll back the app in term of minutes/hours to recover the service.
All I can do is to learn from this and:
1.- Never again will use password apps from Windows Store. It seems that when app on store has a problem the installed app does not run neither.
2.- Store backups of Enpass web on different devices/cloud.
2.- I'm going to use Enpass only to store silly passwords on non-critical level services.
I've even unable to post in this forum due to Enpass auto generated password for my account, which I can't remember -like dozens of them- of course, this is why I use Enpass!
Where is Enpass support team? They're absolutely missing... What a pitty...