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Everything posted by PepeCZ

  1. Guys few days back I migrate from Android phone and Windows pc to iOS iPhone and MacBook. Enpass works after login via my email address. I have only one strange problem, when I open in settings iCloud and iCloud BackUp Application, so here is wrote: Enpass Password Manager -Lite Why? Is it normal or I have some bug with Enpass?
  2. I using Enpass many years, I bought two times lifetime version. When was Enpass fresh application, and after few years when Enpass released Premium Version. My laptop with Windows 11 Pro 22H2 today updated Enpass application via Microsoft Stores, and now when I click on icon Enpass, so Windows show me blue notification window with Error 0x803F8001 Can someone help me and say, how to fix this. Thank you.
  3. If there is any method to bring the Enpass unlock feature to Android Watch or Tizen Watch, I'm for this feature. In this situation have Apple eco better situation with Apple Watch. :-)
  4. @brunovieira97 Yes, Microsoft account is compatible with 6digit, but why not use 8digit in enpass app, for example same as in Microsoft Autenticator. I mean if exist any method, how improve application Enpass in this, for use 8digit for Microsoft account, so I am definitely in favor of this improvement.
  5. Hi, Enpass in Audit showing that website drupal.org support 2FA. But it is wrong. I have over 7 years account on website drupal.org and when you are normal standart user, so you cannot create 2FA login for this website. On oficial drupal.org website is it wrote too. First, is it here wrote that all info about 2FA is outdate. And second, normal standart account what is not verificate via drupal cannot secure account with 2FA. Only people what own verificate account and create some posts etc can secure account with 2FA. So for example I, what use website drupal.org only for forum discusions and downloading new version CMS, cannot secure drupal.org account with 2FA because I an not creator some plugin etc (so I cannot have verificated account which support 2fa), but Enpass still showing me that I miss one avaible 2FA. :-/ On drupal website exists only plugins for 2FA for download as additional plugin for websites builded on CMS Drupal. Someone in Enpass team can try it, create test account on drupal.org, and you will see that website drupal.org cannot secure via 2FA. Please fix it in next Enpass version. https://www.drupal.org/drupalorg/docs/user-accounts/setting-up-two-factor-authentication Last updated on 7 October 2019 This documentation is out of date.
  6. Because If I open Microsoft Autenticator for Microsoft 2FA, so here is right 4 NUMBERS + 4 NUMBERS But when I added Microsoft 2FA into Enpass, so in this app are only 3 NUMBERS + 3 NUMBERS
  7. Good idea for future new feature, if will be exist in Enpass App for adding 2FA not one option but two options. Add 2FA - First option, scan QR Code Add 2FA - Or second add 2FA into Enpass via Security Code (some apps or websites not create QR Code but provide only Security Code) EDIT: Sorry guys :-D Now I looked, and Enpass is ready for this .. oh my eyes I maybe need glasses
  8. Guys good feature for future will be if we can add 2FA into Enpass for Microsoft Accounts. Now is this last one my account where I must using Microsoft Autenticator, because this is my last one 2FA which Enpass not support. Ps, two years back I used for 2FA only Microsoft Autenticator with cloud save. But as Enpass released this feature directly into Enpass so I start migrate and now I miss this last one. So I hold Enpass team fingers for some solution (Microsoft Account with 2FA + Enpass).
  9. Update: I waited few minutes, and now app start showing right version. Enpass stoped showing "Enpass Pro Lifetime", and started showing "Enpass Premium Lifetime". So my thread can be closed.
  10. Hi, I bought few years back "Enpass Pro Lifetime", today I bought on same email address "Enpass Premium Lifetime". Now I payed via PayPal, payment was ok, I received from PayPal and from you Enpass ThankYouEmail. But when I open for example Android Enpass, so application still show me only "Enpass Pro Lifetime", and not "Enpass Premium Lifetime". Can someone from Enpass Team help me, thank you. // Thinking about new Enpass pricing - I know that many people what bought "Enpass Pro Lifetime" in history now crying that must payed again for "Enpass Premium Lifetime". But I understand, that Enpass musted change pricing for their future, because people something cost, development, new features, etc. When I calculate how much I paid in history for EnpassProLifetime and how many years the application has served me well, I was happy to support you again in this way. I was happy to support the Enpass team in this way. I wish you all the best to 2021.
  11. So now I try clicked on Register and after used same email address ... and upf ... now it works :-)
  12. Please, now I upgraded Enpass on windows store, and now I see bar in Enpass that I must activate it. I own on phone and windows Enpass Pro. When I clicked on activation bar and click on login and wrote my email address on which I bought Enpass +- year back so I see red error message. So I must again registred or what?!
  13. Guys please in Enpass 5.x.x I always using browser extension that filter passwords on any website via URL. But now when we have installed last version Enpass 6 from microsoft store, and again bought, so here when we click in browser enpass extension so here is filtering only "most used, name, time,.." but via url in saved password not. Exist any method how this enable please?
  14. Guys in time Enpass5 I bought windows store version. But with Enpass6 I maybe must paid money again - ok, but before I send money I need know one big information. If I first install on my laptop version downloaded from enpass.io website, and via app-in I bought Enpass6, And after I uninstall this version and install version downloaded from microsoft store, will be my purchased still works? Or on desktop pc with windows must people bought this application TWICE, if will be using short time application downloaded from your website enpass.io and after will be installed version from microsoft store? AND ONE ADDITIONAL QUESTION: how works, if I will be reinstalling windows, via which login enpass team found that I paid? via my enpass account? my enpass account with my email ... or how this works please?
  15. But when I open microsoft store, app enpass, so here is button only download/install. Not exist button buy. :-/
  16. Today you released new version 6. So, after longer time I want test my bought version enpass via microsoft store. So I completly uninstall version 5 desktop version. After login into Microsoft Store with my account, and here I download lst version Enpass. But after open Enpass6 and setup onedrive, so in application settings when I click on premium function -> "restore purchase" so I see some strange red text with error. But I owned in microsoft store enpass license, I bought it +- one year back (when was last version 5.x.x) So what now? This is bug? Or all people must with version 6 again buy it? - Additional information: on PC when I this tested, so into Microsoft Windows is set different microsoft account, and into Microsoft Store is set my microsoft account. Cannot be this problem? That into "MicrosoftWindows" as user account is used different, and into "MicrosoftStore" is used my?
  17. Guys please is in this beta version works without any problem OneDrive Sync? I tested first testing release Enpass6, and OneDrive Sync not worked, so I switch back on last stable release Enpass5.
  18. Guys from Enpass team please can you give me one answer on my question, on notebook Surface Book 2 15inch, is better install traditional version 5.6.5 or windows desktop bridge version 5.6.6? What is different? On desktop pc i have installed traditional version, on tablet I have uwp but I not know what is best on this hybrid tablet/o/notebook What have "bridge version" as pros or cons? I need only know, what give bridge version more, than traditional version and what haven't bridge version, than traditional version. Additional question: maybe novice question, last few days I see in dowload tab bridge version link on file "EnpassNMHost.exe", what is this file please?
  19. Nobody know right download link on version 5.6.5?
  20. Guys few minutes back I upgrade enpass on newest version v5.6.5. But on second pc, where we want install fresh installation Enpass we cannot - because on download page where is wrote v5.6.5 is still for download older version. Know someone link for download v5.6.5? :-)
  21. Guys now we try Firefox 57 Beta after many months, because mozilla start something doing with speed etc. So we want test if we can/want migrate from Chrome to Firefox - when will be final version fírefox57 out. But now when we install Firefox 57 Beta and want install Enpass browser extension .. so we see only error message with text that enpadd extension not be compatible. Will be Enpass extension ready when will be out public release F57?
  22. Hi, is here some chance that will be in future for UWPversion chrome extension too? Or on 100 percent no?
  23. Hi, I support enpass and I bought from android store and from windows store. On OnePlus 3 and now OP5 I using android app, but on my notebook HP Spectre I must using still normal desktop app because this is only one version which support extension in browsers. but UWP which I have installed too support best login ..Windows Hello :-) Please why you not release standart version which support Hello? you cannot or not want or what is problem please? :-) Thanks for answer.
  24. Today I receive into company two Surface Pro 4. So is better on surface install automatical universal version? Because this tablet have standart windows version (x86x64) so we can install both and now I not know what is maybe better :-)
  25. Some info about Android Enpass Keyboard feature "long press spacebar" for switch keyboards same as gboard? Only I, have with this a bad experience? Do not tell me, that there are not multiple users, who would appreciated this feature. :-)
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