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  1. Hi all, We have just rolled out Enpass Beta v5.4.0 for Linux. It comes with some cool and most demanding feature like Quick PIN unlock, Auto backups and much more. Check out the complete changelog here: What's New Quick PIN support: Gone are the days when you had to enter the master password at every unlock of App. With this release, you can now set an alphanumeric PIN to quickly unlock Enpass if the App is already running in background, otherwise master password will be required. Autobackups: Now Enpass can take backup of your data automatically locally in your device. By default, this feature would be enabled, which you can turn off afterwards. CSV/DSV Import: If you’re having your passwords and login details in CSV or any other delimiter separated file, you can now import them in Enpass using the all new custom CSV/DSV data importer. To use it in efficient way, you need to have a look at this help video. zxcvbn will show strength of your passwords: We have empowered the password strength indicator with Dropbox zxcvbn to check you from choosing weak passwords. Password strength analysis has become more efficient now. Selective field sharing: Sharing has gone better with an option to choose the fields to be shared rather than whole item. So now you can share your bank details with anyone by removing login and other sensitive details. Cool, huh! Subset of password: It lets you see certain characters in password specified by position, for example "1st, 3rd, next-to-last, last" by just mentioning their position in specified format. Better way to organize items: You can now create sub-folders by right clicking on parent folder in sidebar with an additional feature to move the subfolders among parent folders by ‘drag n drop’. We have also improved the drag ’n’ drop behavior for moving items between categories and folders where now you also get the option of copying them (instead of moving only) by pressing and holding the ‘option’ key. Improvements Setting up shortcut for autofilling: We have changed the way you used to setup the shortcut key for autofilling in browsers. Now instead of defining it in main Enpass App, you have to configure it in your browser extensions independently. Fixes Launching of wrong URL from Helper: There was an issue with the items having multiple URLs, where, when a user tried to launch the second URL from Helper window (as one displayed on clicking extension icon), the first URL was always launched. Fixed now. Known Issues This Beta version will work on those linux systems having 4.9 or later versions of libstdc++6. We are working on it and will fix it in next release. Enpass app will crash, if Screen Reader is enabled from Universal Access under system settings. Installation instructions Before installing beta, please make sure that the existing Enpass app is completely closed (even from System tray). The beta update will overwrite existing Enpass app. The complete installation instructions are mentioned here. So what are you waiting for, grab the beta version. Cheers!
  2. OS: Solus 1.2 (DE: Budgie) Chrome: 51.0.2704.106 (Official Build) (64-bit) Opera: 38.0.2220.31 Enpass: 5.2.1 Fresh install of Solus + all updates run (as of today) (occurs in both VM and metal installs) Installed Chrome and Opera via Solus Software Center. Installed Enpass via EnpassInstaller. Enpass Extension installed via Enpass website. Browser support enabled. Chrome extension and Opera extension does not recognize Enpass running. Keyboard fill does not work. Clicking the Enpass extension does not work. Right-clicking the browser extension, selecting "Enpass", does nothing. Tested with default browser (Firefox 47.0.1) and Enpass browser extension. Keyboard fill works as expected. Clicking the Enpass extension also fills. All functionality appears to work as expected. I'd like to see these issues resolved to then submit a request to Solus dev that Enpass be added to the 3rd Party section of the Solus Software Center.
  3. Since this problem does affect the 5.3.0 linux app too (ubuntu 16.04) : - Is it possible do have access to a previous (working) version ? - do you have any ETA for the fix (even an vague one: next week, before the end of this month, next month…)? Thank you, David.
  4. I'm testing enpass as a possible replacement for lastpass, and when I use the browser plugin to generate a password, it doesn't ave it to the store. If I log out of the new site and log back in (I have to find the password from the clipboard, which was a problem the first time I noticed, as it had been removed) then it offers to save the password, but in the two cases I've tried (one being this forum), it doesn't then know what the username is (as that was remembered). Is this a setup problem or something that doesn't work? As a side note, lastpass remembers the generated passwords anyway for each site, even if it doesn't know whether you used it. That would be a useful feature.
  5. Hi all, I forgot my master password so I tried to reinstall and even deleted the install directory. But still after install enpass is asking for my master password, Where is those configuration and passwords stored ? How can I delete those.?
  6. Hi all, We have just rolled out Enpass Beta v5.2.2 for all desktop platforms: Mac, Linux and Traditional Windows. It comes with some of the most demanding features like Microsoft Edge and Vivaldi Browser Extension, TOTP support for other categories etc. Along with this you will notice many other improvements and fixes. The complete changelog of Enpass Beta v5.2.2 is here: What's New: Added Enpass extension support for Microsoft Edge (Beta) and Vivaldi browser. If you are already using Vivaldi browser with browser verification disabled, please enable the verification. Added import from Intel True key password manager. Improvements: We have updated the code signing certificate for Microsoft Edge Browser and fixed the issue that was preventing Enpass to connect with Edge extension and displaying error code 403. Fixed the sync issue where Enpass was displaying an error code on sync page, when the system woke up from sleep mode. Diceware in Password generator - The improved password generator now uses Diceware algorithm to generate beautiful, more pronounceable yet strong passwords with more options to include digits and symbols. TOTP support for all categories except Secure Notes. Auto-fill support for all items - Along with logins, now you can auto-fill all types of items having a valid URL, username and password on login pages. Now you can use defined shortcut keys to copy username, password or to launch the url, from selected item in Enpass Extension (Helper). Added support to manually define scaling factor for high DPI monitors. (Windows only) Added password length indicator on Edit page. Improvements in importing data from Roboform and Keepass. Improved Tray icon handler: Single click on tray icon will open Extension windows, while double click will open the main Enpass app. Fixes: Optimized memory usage of Enpass, where some users reported that it was consuming high memory comparatively. Fixed an issue where 'update' button in browser extension was getting disabled, while changing a password on website. Fixed following issues in syncing after the system woke up from sleep mode (Mac and Windows only) Progress wheel keep rotating while sync operation. Sometimes the username of cloud service was not displayed. Fixed following issues in syncing after the system woke up from sleep mode (Linux only) High CPU usage while syncing. Progress wheel keep rotating while sync operation. Sometimes the username of cloud service was not displayed. Fixed an issue where browser window focus was lost as soon as Enpass extension goes away. (Mac only) Other minor bugs fixed. Download links Before installing beta, please make sure that the existing Enpass app is completely closed (even from System tray or Menu bar). Also the beta update will overwrite existing Enpass app. Download for Windows (.exe) Download for Mac (.dmg) Download for Linux For 32-bit (.deb) For 64-bit (.deb) For 64-bit (Insatller) How to install Enpass Extension in Microsoft Edge for Traditional Windows Download Edge Extension zip file, which consists of an Edge Extension and a Readme.txt file containing installation instructions for extension. The detailed installation steps are also mentioned in Enpass user-manual. So what are you waiting for. Download it and share your feedback. Also don't forget to highlight the bugs or issues.
  7. New user here. I am starting to use Enpass and when my Lastpass Premium subscription is going to expire I might buy mobile apps too. On desktop I run Fedora23. I have a couple of questions. 1. Where is the database file located? I could not find in the folder where I have installed Enpass. 2. Which is the command invoked by Enpass when backing up? I would like to set a cronjob to have it done automatically. Thank you
  8. I'm using Tresorit, https://tresorit.com/, as cloud storage and would like to sync. Will tresorit be included as sync option or should I sync with tresorit as a standard folder ? .... or chose another alternative Thank you,
  9. With Enpass 5.2 the browser extension stopped working (at least on chrome, don't know about FF or others as I don't use them) What I tried so far: 1. Reinstall the extension 2. Disable / Enable the browser extension support within Enpass -> Tools -> Settings What I discovered: Looking at the background.html of the extension while browser support is enabled all I see is Uncaught Error: Malformed UTF-8 data (That's fine as I have that on windows too and the extension works just fine). As soon as I disable browser support within Enpass, the js console screams errors about not being able to connect to the socket. This means, while browser support is enabled, the extension CAN connect to the Enpass socket (right?). Also, clicking the extension does NOT show the Enpass is not running page. Just nothing happens at all. Even the js console doesn't print/log anything.
  10. Hi I've just installed Enpass on my Debian box (Debian/sid), using the provided .deb. All works well, but when I head to the sync options, choosing any cloud provider won't open their credentials/login webpage. So I can't connect Enpass to any cloud on my PC Any tips to solve this issue ? thanks
  11. I'm having issues with the extension in Chromium. The ctrl + \ keyboard shortcut works, but I don't get the popup when I click on the browser action icon. If I'm logged out of Enpass I have to go over to the app and log in that way. So, login is all I can do really, can't generate new passwords and it doesn't prompt me to save new logins. I'm pretty sure it worked on Chromium 50 earlier so the only change the last couple of days is that I updated Enpass to 5.2.
  12. Hello, I have some troubles moving items to folder as the drag operation always fail: the cursors shows that the operation is not possible and the folder is still empty once drag is done, is that a know issue ? I'm using v5.0.4 on Fedora 23 Cinnamon
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