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Found 13 results

  1. I have two vaults and two Nextcloud accounts. In the Enpass desktop version I configured each vault syncing with one of these Nextcloud accounts. When I try to do the setup in iOS there is the following problem: I enter the NextCloud URL for the first vault. I have sign in the corresponding NextCloud account. This works. When I try to repeat this for the second vault with the second account on the same NextCloud server, it is not possible to do this, because I'm still logged in the first NextCloud account and can't logg out. I don't even know how long to wait for the session being closed. Any help?
  2. Hi. I've used Premium for years, and thank you for an awesome product. I use one single vault accross my 3 computers and my android, syncing to the same Dropbox account. Lately I noticed my Laptop hasn't been syncted to Dropbox for months, and when trying to connect (via desktop app) to said Dropbox, I get error: "No two vaults can be connected to same account for syncing data. Connected vault: Primary" And Primary is my vault connected to said Dropbox on the other devices. And this Laptop knows only of one vault. I have different vaults for other things on some of my devices, and me and my wife uses a "Familiy" vault for commen password shareing. But every single vault has its own cloud account (Dropbox/OneDrive/GoogleDrive) Any advice? Desktop app 6.9.1 (1515)on my Laptop.
  3. Longtime user of Enpass for Windows and Android. I decided to create a new vault for Business accounts and keep the original vault for Personal. Both are saved to OneDrive. Business vault created normally and it duplicated all password accounts from the Personal vault. Not a big deal... I can delete Personal accounts from Business and vice versa. It turns out, that doesn't work. If I delete an account from one vault, it automatically deletes the account from the other. Restoring from Deleted, restores from both Vaults. Strange behavior overall. I wouldn't expect a separate vault to mirror all changes. Any advice to remedy? Do vaults have to reside in different clouds (OneDrive and gDrive)? Thanks
  4. Hi there, I've been an avid Enpass user for a few years now and whenever I get the chance (eg: here just yesterday), I keep telling everyone what a great product it is! So I've set up my "primary" vault containing business data many moons ago; then along came the multiple vaults feature and I've finally gotten around to writing some Python code to convert my 15+ years old creaking eWallet store to Enpass as a secondary vault. This works great; for me - as for many others I believe - separation of concerns has been one of the key use-cases for multiple vaults. Now I'd quite like to swap these two vaults around so my personal vault is the primary and my business data is stored as a secondary vault. Can this be done? I suppose this might be possible by starting everything afresh and re-importing the data using the "sync" feature (I use WebDav, works a treat)... but I'd really appreciate if someone can confirm this would work as I definitely don't want to run the risk of losing any data. Many thanks! Chris
  5. Hi, I am trying to setup a 'family vault' to share creds whithin my family. I created a new secondary vault. When I try to enable Sync with google drive, the google authentication pops up in my browser where I enable Anpass Access (for another google-Account than my primary vault-sync-account). I get: Authorization Finished! but hitting the 'redirect' - button doesn' t do anything. The loading-ring in Enpass (current version on Win1909) keeps turning but nothing happens. Reboot doesn' t help.
  6. It must be very simple, but I can't see it... on my MacBook Pro I can use multiple vaults that are securely synced into my Google Drive. I want to do the same thing on my iPad, but I can only sync one vault. How do I add the second one? Thank you!
  7. I’ve set up a secondary vault for my adult son who has severe intellectual disability. He will never use this vault but his sibblings will need access. I want to also keep a copy of everything in this secondary vault into a folder in my own Primary Vault. I’ve not entered anything into his vault yet and need to know what’s the best way of achieving the above please?
  8. If you have all vaults in Enpass selected, you currently cannot move or copy entries to other vaults (see disabled option in context menu "Zu Tresor hinzufügen"). If you have selected a single vault instead, you can move or copy to other vaults. This is something with low priority I guess, but may be changed quickly. Both technically and for usability, I don't see a reason for why this currently is as it is.
  9. It would be nice if you can see a vault label or tag on every item that corresponding with the vualt where the items is saved in. Especially in the view "All Vaults" Cheers
  10. It would be nice if you can see a vault label or tag on every item that corresponding with the vualt where the items is saved in. Especially in the view "All Vaults" Cheers
  11. I am using Enpass for one day and I still having an hard time figuring out, how to do basic stuff. How can I move Objects from one fault to another?
  12. Hello, 6 has introduced vaults and many of us may now need to move content from to different vaults. In my case the closest thing I had to a vault were tags. Can you please include a function to copy/move all tags to a new vault. PS: it would be great if the icon associated with a particular tag is copied as well.
  13. I can setup one vault (e.g Primary) to sync with an iCloud account successfully. However if I try to set up a secondary vault with a different iCloud account, this passes Apple's authentication but fails with a message saying this iCloud account is in use with another Enpass vault. Seemingly it can't differentiate between different iCloud accounts in different vaults.
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