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Unable to connect to webdav server


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I am trying to set up Enpass on my Android tablet.  I have my database synced up via my webdav server, which works without issue on my Mac, Linux, and iPhone.  However, when I try to log in on my tablet, I receive the error that it cannot contact my webdav server.  

I'm wondering if there are any special characters in the password that might be interfering.  If there are any error logs generated by the app, let me know and I can try to track them down.

Thank you for any help you can provide,


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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...


can you provide some tips, how to solve this problem?

My girlfriend has the same problem with her Android Phone on Version 4.4.2. She uses the latest version (5.4.0) of the Enpass App.
Whatever we tried, we can't get her password vault restored on her phone.

So first of all we tried to do a webdav sync (SSL) and an error occurs, that Enpass can't establish a connection to the server.

We then tried to create a backup on the PC, copy the backup to the SD-Card of the Phone via USB and restore it with the option "Restore from local storage" (don't know exact phrase in english language), but again it failed. The error message was: "Couldn't load password vault".

The third method we tried was sync via Wifi and this failed as well.


Everything should be configured correctly, as I can sync my Enpass password vault via webdav at home, from anywhere on my Windows Phone and also on my office laptop at work. If you have any hint where to look at and how to find out what's wrong, I'd be really happy.

Thanks a lot

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Hi @Kristian

Sorry to hear about your trouble. 

20 hours ago, Kristian said:

So first of all we tried to do a webdav sync (SSL) and an error occurs, that Enpass can't establish a connection to the server.


  • Please let me know exactly what error message or code are you getting?
  • Are you using any third party Apps as Firewall for connection monitoring which might be stopping connection to WebDAV?
20 hours ago, Kristian said:

We then tried to create a backup on the PC, copy the backup to the SD-Card of the Phone via USB and restore it with the option "Restore from local storage" (don't know exact phrase in english language), but again it failed. The error message was: "Couldn't load password vault".


I would like to let you know that whenever Enpass takes a backup on SD card or local storage, it creates a specific folder " Enpass_backups" on local storage and saves the backup file in it with .walletx extension. Enpass can restore the backup only if backup file is located in that specific folder.  To create Enpass_backups folder please follow these steps:

  • Open Enpass and create a empty database.
  • Now go to Enpass Settings ➝  Tap Backup and Restore ➝  Backup.
  • Now move the backup file (which you transferred via USB) in  Enpass_backups folder and now try to restore.
20 hours ago, Kristian said:

The third method we tried was sync via Wifi and this failed as well.


I would like to let you know currently Enpass doesn't support WiFi sync, but you can  Backup and Restore  Enpass data via WiFi. So please let me know exactly which method have you follow and while restoring the database what error message are you getting. Please click a photo of error message and share with us.

If your problem still persists, please provide some more details for further investigation.

  • Which Android device are you using?
  • Instead of restoring can you create a new database with sample items on the same device?
  • Are you able to restore the same database on other device using any method (You can try free desktop).

Please drop us an email at support@enpass.io mentioning a link to this discussion with suitable time at which you will be available on Skype. 

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Hi @Anshu kumar,

Thank you very much for the quick reply yesterday. In the evening I tried your steps and collected the exact error messages and logs.

I sent them to you via email. (Just saw I already have a reply - wow you guys are fast :) )


I would like to let you know currently Enpass doesn't support WiFi sync, but you can  Backup and Restore  Enpass data via WiFi. So please let me know exactly which method have you follow and while restoring the database what error message are you getting.

My mistake, I actually meant "restore" via WiFi. However I didn't try that yesterday and concentrated more on Webdav and restoring the vault from the correct folder on the smartphone. So I don't know the exact error message for now. If I find the time to test it again, I will share this info with you here.

Best regards,


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  • 4 months later...

I just downloaded / installed enpass onto my WIndows 10 as well as my Samsung Galaxy 6 Android.  I first created a test entry via windows and then sync'd to my webdav server.  However, when I then got on the android and attempted to "restore my existing data" from my webdav account it fails with:

"Could not connect to specified WebDAV folder".

When I look at the web logs, I see a slight difference in the behaviour.

When trying from windows:

Request log:

[11/Feb/2017:10:31:41 -0500] TLSv1.2 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 "PROPFIND /securedrop/ HTTP/1.1" 1017
[11/Feb/2017:10:31:41 -0500] TLSv1.2 ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 "PROPFIND /securedrop/Enpass/ HTTP/1.1" 933

Access Log: - jwing [11/Feb/2017:10:31:41 -0500] "PROPFIND /securedrop/ HTTP/1.1" 207 1017 - jwing [11/Feb/2017:10:31:41 -0500] "PROPFIND /securedrop/Enpass/ HTTP/1.1" 207 933

However, when I attempt the restore from android:

Request Log:

[11/Feb/2017:10:32:26 -0500] TLSv1.2 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 "PROPFIND /securedrop HTTP/1.1" 381
[11/Feb/2017:10:32:26 -0500] TLSv1.2 ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 "PROPFIND /securedrop HTTP/1.1" 246

Access Log: - - [11/Feb/2017:10:32:26 -0500] "PROPFIND /securedrop HTTP/1.1" 401 381 - jwing [11/Feb/2017:10:32:26 -0500] "PROPFIND /securedrop HTTP/1.1" 301 246


Edited by jwing
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