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WebDAV: Demo account? / recommendation?


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Hello, please help in 2 regards:

1) When I ask support for help with syncing problems, they always ask to „provide the WebDAV-demo account”. But the utility I use (WebDAVNav Server from 'Schimera Pty Ltd', see Pic) does not need an account anywhere, it's all on my Mac. Please clarify, what I should provide.

2) Which WebDAV software can you recommend for reliable syncing? Is the one I use (WebDAVNav Server from 'Schimera Pty Ltd') the best choice? I do not want to use any cloud, it should all be locally on my iMac (of 2019, Mojave). Thank you for recommendations.



Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-26 um 13.33.20.jpg

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Dear Pratyush,

currently, my only problem is that I cannot make myself understood. ;-) I do not use any cloud service for WebDAV-syncing, it's all on my Mac. That given, please do read my opening post with the 2 questions again.



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On 5/29/2020 at 8:04 PM, Roobert said:

It shows an URL with a LOCAL IP https://192.168

Okay. We see that, but do you want to sync Enpass database over the same WebDAV? In the context of our application, WebDAV sync implies syncing your vault over a WebDAV account so that you have access to your passwords across all devices. Is that what you're looking for or is it something we've misunderstood?

In Enpass, under WebDAV vault sync, you can try entering the same URL 192.168.xxx.xxx in the URL field, but again, that would require a username and a password. 

Why don't you try the Folder sync option available in the vault sync settings. It seems that the WebDAV on your MAC could be accessible as a network folder. Let us know.


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