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Master password is prompted all the time even though PIN is setup


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I am aware that this question has already been answered in the following post: https://discussion.enpass.io/index.php?/topic/6664-only-prompts-for-master-despite-set-up-for-pinpita/ 
But the pure functionality here does not make any sense to me. Why is it that if you setup Enpass on iOS to use TouchID, it will always prompt for TouchID, even if the app is closed manually, the device is rebooted or there are too many apps in the background,  but if you set it up with a PIN code it will only work if you don't have that many apps open? Is this a bug?



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Hi @JohnnyPapita,

Thanks for writing in.

No, this is not a bug. To unlock with TouchID, we're using the Secure Enclave, and for the PIN, we are storing the master password in the Keychain. That's why Enpass requires the master password in the following scenarios even if the PIN is enabled:

  • when the app is closed manually.
  • device is rebooted.
  • when too many apps are active in the device background (in this case, OS automatically kills some apps to claim memory).
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  • 4 weeks later...

TouchID is enable on my MacBook Pro, but it doesn't do anything when using touchID and still prompts for master pass when inactive for 3 mins.


Inactive lock is 3mins

TouchID enabled.

coming back to MacBook Pro after inactive for a while, prompts for TouchID fingerprint but does nothing after use.  Still requires a full master password.  This only began to be an issue after update.

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OSX : Catalina 10.15.7

Enpass manual install : 6.5.1 , application states up to date. (Lies)

So after some research, i found probably why I'm having this issue.  Enpass 6.5.2 is not offered on your website, only through the horrible apple store for OSX on MacBook Pro, See image below.  

When I attempt to install via app store it of course doesnt recognize I have Enpass installed and in order to update to the 6.5.2 which might solve my issue of the touchID malfunction, I have to start over fresh instal and restore from backup.  Thanks.>:(


Screen Shot 2020-10-21 at 3.48.15 PM.png

Screen Shot 2020-10-21 at 3.48.43 PM.png

Edited by The1User
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Hey @The1User

Thanks for sharing the details. Your research and observations are absolutely correct, store version(v6.5.2) of the same is already released. However, the website version is still not released. We will recommend you to take all the backup of Enpass data and then install the latest version(6.5.2) from the Store. After successfully installation, restore the Enpass data.

Thanks for the co-operation.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi @Pratyush Sharma - sorry, there might be a misunderstanding. I was not asking about the next version, I was asking about v6.5.2, which you released on October 8th, 2020 (see here https://www.enpass.io/release-notes/macos/). It's available on the Mac App Store, but your Downloads page (here https://www.enpass.io/downloads/) still links to the v6.5.1 download for Mac (under the "Download from website").

Is v6.5.2 available as a download as well, or when will it be available?

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Hi @Pratyush Sharma - sorry, there might be misunderstanding. I was not asking about the next version, I was asking about v6.5.2, which you released on October 8th, 2020 (see here https://www.enpass.io/release-notes/macos/). It's available on the Mac App Store, but your Downloads page (here https://www.enpass.io/downloads/) still links to the v6.5.1 download for Mac (under the "Download from website").

Is v6.5.2 available as a download as well, or when will it be available?

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