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Enpass Discussion Forum

Enpass shows last info displayed before locking


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I've noticed this for the past couple of desktop versions.  I am now on Enpass version 6.5.2 (726) on macOS 10.14.6 (Mojave) on a 2019 Macbook Pro 13".  I usually have Enpass open, but minimized to the dock all the time I am logged in.  I have noticed when I walk away from my machine for a while, or the machine sleeps, the first time I click to re-open Enpass from the dock it will pop up with the info displayed from the last item I used in Enpass (username, email, password page)...then after maybe one to two seconds it goes to the Enpass PIN screen. Even though the data screen disappears kinda quickly, I still see it as a security issue since someone could glean a password if they knew about the issue and knew where to quickly look or took a digital picture before the Enpass window locks.  Has anyone else seen this?

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