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iCoud sync suddenly doesn't work

Thats I Am

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I hope that someone here in the forum can help me.

The iCloud sync is suddenly no longer possible. Here are the details:
Enpass is installed on three Macs and additionally on a macOS 11 test hard disk. So far the iCloud sync has worked without problems.
But suddenly I get the error message that the iCloud sync failed and the error code 307018 appears.

First the iCloud sync error occurred on my MacBook Pro Retina in mid 2015 under macOS 10.14.6. This MacBook Pro is also connected to an external SSD on which I installed the Public Beta of macOS Big Sur for testing. Suddenly iCloud Sync was not possible there either.

In the meantime it worked without any problems on my Mac Mini 2020 with macOS 10.15.7. But since this afternoon the iCloud Sync doesn't work there either and aborts with error code 307018.

Of course I searched here in the forum, but I can't find any entry for error code 307018.
I also tried several measures which I found in the forum:
* Disconnect vault and set up a new iCloud Sync.
* Reset the customization completely and restore the vault from the previously created backup.
* Log Mac out of iCloud, restart, log iCloud back in.
* In iCloud Drive -> Options Disable and re-enable customization.
* Download and reinstall Customize from the Customize website, restore vault from backup.
Unfortunately none of these measures worked.

I am using the latest version 6.5.1 (723) of Enpass on all Macs, which I downloaded from the Enpass website.

On my iPhone SE with iOS 14.1 the iCloud Sync works fine so far.

Now I hope that the Enpass support or a user can help me here, because I want to change some passwords and therefore I need a correct synchronization on all devices.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Below is a screenshot of the error message.

Error iCloud sync.png

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Here is an addition: I uninstalled Enpass and downloaded it from the Mac App Store.
On setup I choose restore from iCloud.
I can login Enpass to iCloud, but the recovery fails and error code 18 is shown. Enclosed is a screenshot.

Now I will restore the vault from the backup I made before uninstalling.

Recovery from iCloud fails.png

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Hi @Thats I Am,

Sorry for the trouble you are going through.

Please make sure there are no changes in the internet connection or firewall settings. If that doesn't help, use the Store version of Enpass and let us know if the issue persists.  Before uninstalling the app, make sure you already have the backup of Enpass data.

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Hi @Pratyush Sharma,

thank You so much for your response.

There have been no changes in my internet connection or firewalls, they are exactly the same as a few days ago when iCloud Sync was still working. I already restarted my whole internet and network environment (unfortunately with no success for iCloud sync).

To rule out my internet connection as a cause, I also asked my neighbors if I could connect to their WLAN for a test, which they allowed me to do. But even with the other internet connection the iCloud Sync does not work and I get the error code 307018.

I also completely uninstalled the desktop app i loaded from your website (and with which the iCloud sync worket fine until three days ago) and installed the app from the Mac App Store (of course I made a backup of my vault). Unfortunately the same thing happens here. When I try to restore the vault from iCloud, I get error code 18 (see screenshot in my 2nd post) and when I restore the vault from the backup and try to sync it via iCloud, I get error code 307018 again (see screenshot in my 1st post).I also tried to connect to the internet via personal hotspot of my iPhone, but with the same result.

I also checked that I am logged in correctly with my Apple ID everywhere (I only have one Apple ID), but everything is ok there.

Now I'm quite clueless what else I can do. Could it be that the vault file is corrupt? It works locally without any problems, but I still don't want to exclude a defect.

One more question: Could it be helpful to stop iCloud sync on all devices (3 Macs and 1 iPhone) and delete it from iCloud completely and then set up a whole new iCloud sync? If it would be useful to try this, would you be so kind to describe the steps to me?

Thanks in advance, best regards.

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Hi @Thats I Am,

Thanks for writing back in.

Please make sure you are using the latest Enpass downloaded from the Mac App Store. If no, please take a backup of Enpass data first and then reinstall Enpass from the store and follow the below steps.

  • Go to System Preferences -> Apple ID -> Select iCloud from left sidebar -> enable iCloud drive -> Click on options -> enable checkbox for Enpass.

Hope this helps!

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To make sure that the problem is not related to the macOS keychain, I logged out of the iCloud keychain and then deleted all local keychains (of course I made a backup of the keychain files before, but I know my passwords, I use Enpass ;)).

Then I restarted my Mac and logged back into the iCloud keychain.

Unfortunately the iCloud sync does not work even then and it aborts with error code 307018.

Before I did this i also rebooted my whole network (internet connection, router, switches etc.), but also with no luck.

I can access my iCloud Drive without any problem from Finder in macOS. My iCloud Drive has plenty of space: 4,76 GB are free.

So now I run out of ideas, what else I can do to get iCloud sync back to function. Any hint is welcome.

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I see I'm not alone with my problem and it doesn't only affect macOS but can also occur on Windows. So I hope that we can find a solution together and I also will continue to report which attempts I have made to get the iCloud Sync working again.

In the meantime I have made several other attempts.

  • I have changed my internet connection from the DNS server of my internet provider to another DNS server ( and Google
  • I have carefully checked that the system time of my router and my Mac is correct and that the region is correctly specified in the system settings. (The time is correct because it is synchronized with an extremely precise time server)

Unfortunately, neither of these attempts were successful, I keep getting the error code 307018.

Since I have a Google account, I tried synchronization via Google Drive as a test. This works without problems and synchronizes. Unfortunately I cannot and do not want to switch to Google Drive at this time.

As an alternative, I have also tested synchronization via WebDAV with my paid pCloud account. With the WebDAV server address, which is given in the Enpass help, I could not establish a connection. The pCoud support gave me a different server address with which I can establish a WebDAV connection. (Unfortunately I'm not sure if I'm allowed to make the WebDAV address public here).
The WebDAV connection works fine, but unfortunately the synchronization does not run to the end, but breaks off after a longer time. My vault has 235 enpassattach files, but the WebDAV sync breaks off after about 200 enpassattach files. When I restart the sync, the sync seems to start again from the beginning without considering the files already transferred. But the sync aborts again and has at most one or two more enpassattach files transferred. So WebDAV is not an alternative for me at the momente although it would be my preferred synchronization. But I will open a new topic to discuss this issue.

On my iPhone the iCloudsync still works without problems.
Another interesting observation: I have installed macOS 11 Big Sur on my MacBook Pro on an external SSD as a test environment (so that I don't risk affecting any important production data with my testing). Also there the iCloud-Sync first workend without problems, then suddenly didn't work for days and yesterday evening the iCloud-Sync suddenly worked again without me changing anything in Enpass, on the system or anywhere else.
On my main Mac, a 2020 Mac Mini with macOS Catalina (10.15.7) I can't get the iCloud sync to work, no matter what I try.

All my devices are on the same internet connection on the same router.

Edited by Thats I Am
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On 10/27/2020 at 8:47 AM, Pratyush Sharma said:

Please make sure you are using the latest Enpass downloaded from the Mac App Store. If no, please take a backup of Enpass data first and then reinstall Enpass from the store and follow the below steps.

  • Go to System Preferences -> Apple ID -> Select iCloud from left sidebar -> enable iCloud drive -> Click on options -> enable checkbox for Enpass.

Hope this helps!

Hi @Pratyush Sharma,

thank you very much for coming back to my problem.
I have tested the App Store version in the meantime, but unfortunately this did not help and the problem persists in the described way.

In the iCloud settings I have of course activated Enpass (this is mentioned several times here in the forum), but unfortunately this did not solve the problem either. I am no longer able to access the iCloudSync since about one week.

Over two weeks ago I got a new internet connection and now I have fiber to the home with currently 200 Mbps download and 100 Mbps upload. I have activated IPv6 for the internet connection, but the connection can also be reached via real IPv4. I don't think that this could be the reason for the problem, because the previous DSL internet connection was also IPv6 and IPv4 was only realized via a DS-Lite tunnel. The iCloud-Sync worked with the previous Internet connection over IPv6 and it worked with the new Internet connection over IPv6 for about one week as well.
Also, two days ago on a Mac it suddenly worked for a short time although I didn't change anything. I was able to synchronize three or four times with iCloud, but the next time I started Enpass, the known error code came up again. On the other two Macs it still didn't work, but on the iPhone SE with iOS 14.1 it always worked.

Now I'm absolutely clueless what other possibilities I have to solve the problem (you can read my attempts here in my posts). I have already invested several hours in the solution and I don't want to waste any more time. However, I still hope that we can find a solution to the problem together, as I realize that I am not alone in this. Since I got an Android phone for work, I temporarily switched the sync to Google Drive and so far it works fine on all devices.

But because I don't trust Google, I'll deal with the sync via WebDAV to do the sync via a European fully encrypted service as soon as possible.

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Hey @Thats I Am

Thanks for describing the scenario so well.

Please follow these steps and share your findings with us:

  • Make sure to take the complete backup of Enpass data and save it locally on all the devices.
  • Now disconnect iCloud sync from all your devices. While disconnecting sync from macOS, you will have the option "Also, delete data from iCloud" Enable it (make sure that hidden data is deleted from the drive) and click on the Disconnect button.
  • Now Reconnect sync with iCloud on all your devices and check.

Hope this helps!

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Hi Garima,

OS-Version for both systems is 10.15.7.  Enpass Version is 6.5.1 (723). I did no changes. I can switch the problem by reset the sync on each device. Means PC1 can sync after reset both but PC2 get error or PC2 can sync after reset both and PC1 get error. No problems with mobile devices.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi @Vij,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.

For quick troubleshooting, disconnect the sync from all the devices and reconnect it again. If your problem persists, please share the following details so that we can investigate where the problem could be.

  • On which devices and OS versions (mention all) are you using Enpass?
  • Which Enpass version are you using on each device?
  • Are you getting any error message or code during sync? If yes, share it with us.
  • Does the Date and Time setting set to automatic on all devices?


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/27/2020 at 8:47 AM, Pratyush Sharma said:

Hi @Thats I Am,

Thanks for writing back in.

Please make sure you are using the latest Enpass downloaded from the Mac App Store. If no, please take a backup of Enpass data first and then reinstall Enpass from the store and follow the below steps.

  • Go to System Preferences -> Apple ID -> Select iCloud from left sidebar -> enable iCloud drive -> Click on options -> enable checkbox for Enpass.

Hope this helps!

There's no checkbox for Enpass. How can fix it on Big Sur?

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On 12/7/2020 at 10:10 AM, Pratyush Sharma said:

Hi @Vij,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.

For quick troubleshooting, disconnect the sync from all the devices and reconnect it again. If your problem persists, please share the following details so that we can investigate where the problem could be.

  • On which devices and OS versions (mention all) are you using Enpass?
  • Which Enpass version are you using on each device?
  • Are you getting any error message or code during sync? If yes, share it with us.
  • Does the Date and Time setting set to automatic on all devices?


  • On which devices and OS versions (mention all) are you using Enpass?
    • iPhone SE (iOS 14.3 - no issue)
    • iPhone XS (iOS 14.3 - no issue)
    • MacBook Pro 2014 (Big Sur - issue)
    • MacBook Pro 2019 (Mojave - issue)
    • iMac 2020 (Catalina - issue)
    • Desktop (Ubuntu 18.04 - no issue)
    • Dell XPS 13 (Windows 10 - no issue)
    • Dell XPS 15 (Ubuntu 16.04 - no issue)
  • Which Enpass version are you using on each device?
    • Lets say latest on each of them. Ex: MacBook Pro 2014 is using version 6.5.2(726)
  • Are you getting any error message or code during sync? If yes, share it with us.
    • See attached screenshot, it says 'iCloud session expired'
    • Sync succeeds one time if I re-authenticate, but then goes back to error state after that.
  • Does the Date and Time setting set to automatic on all devices?
    • Yes



Screen Shot 2020-12-23 at 9.16.16 AM.png

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Hi @Vij,

Thanks for sharing the details.

For security reasons, your iCloud session expires periodically. To avoid this, you first need to disconnect the sync with iCloud from Enpass settings, then again enable it, and you’ll be redirected to the iCloud login page. Here you just have to enable “Keep me signed in” as shown in the image given in this link.

Hope this helps!

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Dear Support,

I had a similar problem syncing to iCloud. Having followed your advice above, the error messages no longer appear and the synchronisation "appears" to have succeeded, i.e. when I press the "Sync Now" button, the message "Last Synchronised: a few seconds ago" appears :-)

Thank you!

However, when I open my iCloud drive using the Finder on my Macbook Pro, I do not see any data - it appears that nothing is stored there by Enpass. There are also no hidden files :-(

I changed one of my passwords on my Macbook and the change was visible wiht the Enpass app on my mobile phone, so the synchronisation via iCloud works :-)

Why can I not see the file (Vault) on my iCloud Drive?

Kind Regards,

Device: Macbook Pro from 2018
MacOS: Mojave, Version 10.14.6
Enpass 6.5.2 (726)

Edited by job1966
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