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Change default Enpass folder location


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Hi, I would like to ask for help with the following issue - is it possible to change the location of the Enpass folder (created by default)? If so, how? 

Here is my situation:

1. On my Mac (iOS 10.14.6) Enpass created a default backup folder in Documents (ie. Documents/Enpass)

2. As i generally store all my app backups together in a different folder, I wanted to move the Enpass data there, too. So I tried:

a) Simply moving the whole Enpass folder to that Backup folder (ie. Documents/App_backups/Enpass). This caused Enpass to not recognise my master password (even though it was 100 percent correct)). 

So I moved it back, logged into Enpass and tried the following:

b) In Settings I changed the location of Automatic backups to Documents/App_backups. I manually triggered creation of a backup file in that location. The automatic backups work now (there is now "Backups" folder in the location), BUT  if I delete (or just rename) the original Enapss backup folder, again the master password stops working. 

There are some files in the original Enpass folder (Vaults, walletx.db.backup) which were not moved when I changed backup location, so it seems this could cause the problem. How do I point Enpass to use the new location for these files as well? 

Thanks in advance, 


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Hey @Aneth29

Welcome to the forum!

The option to change database location is only available for app downloaded from Enpass website. If you have downloaded Enpass from app store, it won’t be possible to change the database location. To change the database location in website version, please follow these steps:

  • Open Enpass → Under Settings, go to Advanced → Click on Change Location to change the data location.

To help you better, let us know the exact Enpass version you using. or share from where have you installed the Enpass app(Enpass website or Store)?

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  • 1 year later...
On 2/11/2021 at 2:10 PM, Garima Singh said:

Hey @Aneth29

Welcome to the forum!

The option to change database location is only available for app downloaded from Enpass website. If you have downloaded Enpass from app store, it won’t be possible to change the database location. To change the database location in website version, please follow these steps:

  • Open Enpass → Under Settings, go to Advanced → Click on Change Location to change the data location.

To help you better, let us know the exact Enpass version you using. or share from where have you installed the Enpass app(Enpass website or Store)?

When I do this - I get the message that "could not choose network or this path doesnt exist"... 

But it do exist. Why is this?  could it be due to that the folder include a non english letter?


Edited by toad
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Hi @toad,

Thank you for reporting this issue. In order to assist you better, please help me with the following details:

  1. Let me know if you are trying to change the Enpass data location on any remote location/external device or locally on the device?
  2. Share the details of the Enpass version along with the OS information. 
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1 hour ago, Manish Chokwal said:

Hi @toad,

Thank you for reporting this issue. In order to assist you better, please help me with the following details:

  1. Let me know if you are trying to change the Enpass data location on any remote location/external device or locally on the device?
  2. Share the details of the Enpass version along with the OS information. 

1. Locally

2. OS: Win10 / Enpass Version 6.8.1 (1063) - installed from downloaded file (not as an app through windows app store)

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